Dogs 1 Cats 0


A day in the life of a Dog:

"Look! a Couch! that's my favourite thing!... a Rock! that's my favourite thing!... foood! nom nom nom... a tennis ball! that's my favourite thing!... a door! that's my favourite thing!... etc, etc, etc....

A day in the life of a Cat:

"Day 1,347. The tall, pink creature has continued to thwart my escape attempts. While the food it provides seems satisfactory I can't help but feel that I am being poisoned. Poisoned by everything. My options are running out. If escape is not possible perhaps the creature can be eliminated. But how?"


Cats don't slobber...they hack hairballs and multi-colored vomit behind furniture and walk around the house with dooty feet from their box....dogs don't neeeeed dooty boxes. They point at the door-

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