Does Appearance Determine How We Treat People?

An experiment to see if people would help a homeless looking person on crutches who falls on the sidewalk...with heart wrenching results.

Perhaps this is why I have such a low estimation of the average person...I'm not trying to impress anyone, so often look like I'm homeless, now I'm seeing that that could determine how people act around me.
I'll never understand you humans...maybe this is why newts don't wear clothes, they just cause trouble. ;-)


Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015 12:25am PST - promote requested by original submitter newtboy.


Thing is with these videos ("social experiments") and the people that make them is, i think most of then are made to generate views/income and so they show you what they want you to see. This particular outcome generates a large response much better then any other outcome. Call me skeptical.

However appearance will always determine how you are treated no matter what you look like.


Yeah you never see the out-takes on these productions. And how come we didn't get the mood-setting music when the first guy was falling? Isn't this supposed to be a clinical and objective experiment

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