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Dennis Kucinich on impeachment, MSNBC (Nov 06, 2007)

Wow, Tucker Carlson, what a huge interviewing talent is on display here.

Actually, the name is Tucker Carlson. Chris Tucker is the black actor who costarred with Jackie Chan in those silly Rush Hour movies, FYI...
Oh, and let's play the rhyme game again...
Tucker rhymes with ____er. Sorry, couldn't resist!


Why does Tucker keep asking Kucinich to speculate as to the motives and actions of others?

Seems like there were lots of great questions he could have explored regarding the issue at hand that the congressman could have answered with authority, but instead he chose to waste the time badgering him with one point that amounted to a "guess what they're thinking" excercise (and anybody could probably come up with a whole batch of causes - any of which would have some reasonable plausibility...).


Though Kook-cinich is the extreme leftist UFO example, liberals believe their alternate history of the past 8 years so badly it's affecting what little judgment they have of the real world. As "evidence" I offer the no-confidence, inept taxocrat-controlled Congress, which thankfully is getting nothing done.

Has it ever occurred to any taxocrat that Iran does have to get the beat down, and soon? That turds like I'm-a-Dinner-Jacket and Venezuelan dick-tator Hugo Chavez are NOT actors?

Anyone else notice that the liberals-in-denial media are very quiet about the good news of massively reduced violence in Iraq?


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Isn't that Tucker dude the guy that used to work on CNN - and was fired after Jon Stewart came on the show to ask them to "stop hurting America"? The pain continues I see ...

At least he's lost the bow tie. Seriously, why is this moron still on camera in front of a national audience?


"Anyone else notice that the liberals-in-denial media are very quiet about the good news of massively reduced violence in Iraq?" -quantumushroom

uh, maybe violence "reduces" when u start to run out of people to kill... because they are dead and not alive to kill anymore. ? . meaning, the resistance fighters are acheiving their goals; there is not some blanket of peace settling over things. they've just killed who they want dead. like they're at war or something.


qm, lying to the country is illegal even if your strange assessment of the "success" of the invasion is correct.

as for giving iran the "smackdown"... well, you can't fucking afford it.


^yes, and if you tow the line, you're fine. it's not a conspiracy, it's just a bunch of pathetic people going along with bullshit in order to receive money. we've all done it.


Gotta love how Tucker keeps trying to push the question "why aren't dems supporting you" with the clear intention of indicating Kucinich as being a lone "nut" (trying to overthrow the government) and the ultimate answer is "this is my job to do as outlined in the constitution" which is a way of underscoring how Kucinich is doing this because of his CONVICTIONS rather than as a political move. Tucker makes Kucinich look even better than even Kucinich expected him to.
Always amuses me when an interview allows someone good to detail how they are doing something good: doing good is just something some interviewers can't wrap their minds around.
"You impeach Cheney, has no effect... you've got an election coming up... why not wait..." implying impeaching Cheney has less political effect than if he waited and Kucinich gets a chance to point out "I do this NOW because it is what needs to be done... not a political move"


QM -

Violence is down this month in Iraq (please note, however, that this year has been the bloodiest since the occupation started) but maybe you can enlighten us as to how this gets us any closer to the goal if none of the political objectives are being achieved?

Oh and while you're at it could you please illustrate some of this "alternate history of the past eight years" you refer to? You know, where the Iraqis greeted us as liberators, there's a thriving democratic society in Iraq, oil flows like rivers from the iraqi oil fields paying for all the costs of this glorious war of liberation, and the current US administration is forthright with the people and vigorously protecting their civil liberties. Is that the TRUE history you're refering to...?


qm, lying to the country is illegal even if your strange assessment of the "success" of the invasion is correct.

The only mistake in taking out saddam was we didn't level iran first.

as for giving iran the "smackdown"... well, you can't fucking afford it.

A few dozen Raptors over Tehran and the shadow of one B-2 is all it would take, just like Israel kicked Syria's ass from the air(also underreported).

Oh and while you're at it could you please illustrate some of this "alternate history of the past eight years" you refer to?

1) Claims that Bush "stole" the election when in fact it was the taxocrats who tried to steal it
2) Bush "knew" about 9-11...or planned it (not worthy of any response deeper than "Koo-koo!")
3) After 12 years of sanctions and an entire world intelligence community agreeing saddam had wmds (which he did, since he used them) claiming that poor saddam was "illegally attacked".
4) Slick Willie "did everything in his power" to answer muslim terrorist attacks in the 90s.
5) Islam is a 'religion of peace' the government is picking on.
6) Non-stop doomsaying over how Iraqi thugs were going to defeat the world's finest armed forces.
7) Deliberate (what-liberal-media?) blackout of any positive news from Iraq
Sandbagging Gen. Petraeus.
9) Hillary supports the war unless the crowd she's bowing to opposes it.
10) Terrorists at Gitmo are being "held without trial" (even tho US law doesn't apply to them).
11) The Patriot act has led to rampant eavesdropping on regular joes and internment camps, etc.

Liberal alternate history: a negative, half-baked fairy tale focused only on greed, exploitation and cynicism, sold to neo-hippies by paleo-hippies, both who've never been hungry for more than a day and therefore have no understanding of what privation really is, resulting in no gratitude, no shame, no nothin' except hatred for Bush.


Tucker is full of shit when he equates impeachment to overthrowing the government. Disobeying the constitution as commander in chief is more akin to overthrowing the government. The constitution is the ultimate authority of the united states government, not any one person, and the constitution requires that Bush be impeached for his support of torture.


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