The Verge:
Robert De Niro, Leonardo Dicaprio, and Brad Pitt are three of the finest actors of the past few generations. Martin Scorsese has a near-spotless record as a director. A collaboration between the four men should be a cause for celebration, a dramatic tour de force, a piece of cinema for the ages. In reality, it's a $70 million ad for a ludicrously opulent casino and resort in a Chinese tax haven.
"The Audition" is a special short film commissioned to commemorate the opening of the $3.2 billion Studio City resort in Macau and a similar casino run by the same company in the Philippines' capital city of Manila. A teaser trailer for the movie released earlier this week explains its conceit — the Academy Award-winning Martin Scorsese has invited his two favorite leading men to the casinos to make them vie for the leading role in an upcoming movie. If the movie happens to show off the extravagant architecture and luxurious furnishings of the new venues, so much the better.
The full cut of the short film will premiere at the official launch of Studio City in mid-2015. X-Men: The Last Stand director Brett Ratner, who helped produce the short movie, called The Audition a historic event. It could certainly be a historic paycheck for its stars — SlashFilm reports that each actor was rumored to have made over $10 million for their performances. It could've been particularly easy work for Brad Pitt, who only appears in the trailer in the form of a set of still images, plastered onto the side of a casino wall.
SagemindWell, Let's see.
They are actors. They act for money.
That's what their entire career was built on.
I wouldn't call acting, for money, a sell out.
I mean, they're actors. That's what they do.
If they've fooled you in some way, then they're just really good actors.
I mean, hey, if someone offered you that kind of money for a script that was that short for you to do what you love to do and are good at..., wouldn't you do it too....?
lucky760I don't completely disagree with you. It's mainly my disappointment speaking.
To see that that group of talented individuals came together on film is exciting, but to then learn it's just for a shitty commercial is a huge let-down.
It wouldn't be so disappointing if it was just an ordinary commercial (which we all know big actors are doing nowadays), but they're sort of taunting the film-going public with something that looks like it could be the makings of an incredible movie.
Well, Let's see.
They are actors. They act for money.
That's what their entire career was built on.
I wouldn't call acting, for money, a sell out.
I mean, they're actors. That's what they do.
If they've fooled you in some way, then they're just really good actors.
I mean, hey, if someone offered you that kind of money for a script that was that short for you to do what you love to do and are good at..., wouldn't you do it too....?
billpayertrashing their lucrative careers for a crap advert. dumb.
DeNiro is the worst for selling out and doing any p.o.s. film
Meet the Fockers ?
EMPIREsays...Well... I went and check it out. I don't exactly like Meet the Fockers either, but here's the thing. The movie cost 80 million to make. It grossed over 500 million dollars worldwide. Need I say more?
SaNdMaNjokingly says...Yes, that's exactly what they're doing... "trashing" their careers. No one will ever hire Pitt, DiCaprio or DeNiro again... And Scorcese will never make another movie. Such a shame.
trashing their lucrative careers for a crap advert. dumb.
DeNiro is the worst for selling out and doing any p.o.s. film
Meet the Fockers ?
lucky760I don't think you're right about that at all.
I think it's definitely a safe bet they'll continue getting hired off the top of the A list as if this commercial was never made, and I can't imagine Scorsese will ever stop making movies for the rest of his life.
Yes, that's exactly what they're doing... "trashing" their careers. No one will ever hire Pitt, DiCaprio or DeNiro again... And Scorcese will never make another movie. Such a shame.
ChaosEngineSaddest of all is DeNiro.
Scorsese, DiCaprio, and Pitt are still doing pretty good work, but I'm looking at DeNiro's filmography right now and IMHO, the last decent movie he had anything other than a bit part in, was Ronin..... 17 years ago.
You think Scorsese would throw him a bone and give him a decent role.
SaNdMaNsays...I thought the sarcasm in my post couldn't be any more obvious...
I was mocking the ridiculous assertion that this would in any way affect their careers, let alone "trash" them.
I don't think you're right about that at all.
I think it's definitely a safe bet they'll continue getting hired off the top of the A list as if this commercial was never made, and I can't imagine Scorsese will ever stop making movies for the rest of his life.
lucky760I guess obvious sarcasm is really hard to detect sometimes, particularly if the "sarcasm" box isn't checked.
I thought the sarcasm in my post couldn't be any more obvious...
I was mocking the ridiculous assertion that this would in any way affect their careers, let alone "trash" them.
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