father's day, lonesome death of jordy verrill, the crate, something to tide you over, they're creeping up on you.

my favorite horror movie of all time, and my 1st R-rated movie ever. on HBO, at 2 am, on a sleepover at my best friends' house (they were brothers). i was 11.
scared the crap out of me. loved it.


^ ahh. but there's a good reason why, from a scriptwriter's perspective, the orginial is a superior horror film.

because everyone who gets killed, at the end of each segment? had it coming, for one reason or another. it's true.
in fact, i'm considering making a proper explanation of this, into a blog or youtube upload.


I was about or 8 or 9 when I watched this on video at a sleepover. The Crate probably was the most fun I've ever had being scared! All those kids simultaneously leaping out of their skins

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