Creationists Discuss Science Failures

"Larry, Curly and Moe have unwittingly caught on to the fact that science changes as new learning comes about."

my first instinct is to laugh but it can't climb over my loss of faith in humanity and willingness to kill myself
also, those are piss-poor examples, as most are superstitious and non-scientific
love the cherrypicking at the end with the global flooding theory


What they've unwittingly done is show why science is superior to religious dogma. Ofcourse there are many scientific "truths" that, in time, will be qualified or disgarded, it's called learning. The difference between science and religion is that scientists question and look for the correct answer. They keep questioning until a truth- like the earth being a globe or the earth orbiting the sun- is arrived at. At any time their "truth" is also open to question. Were it not, we would still believe the earth was flat and the sun orbited us. The religious, on the other hand, question nothing and simply accept with blind faith. "Faith means never wanting to know what is true" Friedrich Nietzsche.


as in "ken hovind" progeny?
the same ken hovind who lied about his science credentials and was incarcerated for fraud?
THAT hovind?
looks like ken hovind has taken his charlatan show family style.


I might not remember this correctly, but aren't many of these examples exactly the reason falsificationism was introduced within the scientific community, requiring all theories to be testable and consequently discarded if the results did not correspond to the theory?

Quire ironic, given that creationism is largely considered a non-science since it cannot be tested, and therefore is not falsifiable.

However, it has been quite some years since i last took a class in scientific theory, so please correct me if I'm wrong

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