From Countdown to Zero reveals the truth behind an issue on which human survival itself hangs - the very real possibility of nuclear disaster. From the producers of An Inconvenient Truth, Countdown is a chilling wake up call about the urgency of the nuclear threat.

The government wants you to be afraid, because you will focus your attention on the threat of a perceived vague shadowy 'enemy' rather than what your own government is doing under your nose. Be afraid, vote for candidate X. Nothing motivates a voting body than an insecure voter. Notice how the enemies are always ill defined constructions. A "them" vs "us" concept. We will defeat "them", when the very definition of 'win' cannot be defined.

Terrorists are everywhere. They are all over. They want to get you and your family. We quickly forget that far more people die every year from common disease, cancer, car accidents, food poisoning, starvation, and even genocide.. than terrorism. Sure terrorism is horrific. But so is neglect of the now parent-less child starving in a ditch as our war machines drive by to claim a stockpile of oil from the 'enemy'.

The governments of the world tell you that the nuclear threat is always 'the other guy', they neglect to mention their own huge arsenal contributing to global instability. The governments pat themselves on the back for reducing nuclear stockpiles. Meanwhile they don't tell you that the stockpile reduction was from old/defunct stock. The 5000 nukes of last decade, have been replaced by 100 devices, with each single new device holding enough firepower to eclipse the entire stockpile of the last decade. So much for disarmament. So much for peace. So much for supporting a nuclear weapon free world.

The greatest threat to a peaceful and just world is ourselves. Greed and power rules us. Our human nature. Our tribal nationalistic xenophobic tendencies. To forget that we are all human at the core. The same. No matter what language we speak or what clothes we wear.


This is one of those, "Say one thing but do another," situations.

The one consider that one Minuteman III missile can carry up to 12 of those W87 warheads, which were originally meant for the Peacekeeper Missile system. The W87 does about 400 KT of damage. According to the Ground Zero Map that can be, roughly, a radius of 6.5 miles of damage in all directions from the epicenter. Now the Minuteman can carry 12 400 KT warheads. Math? Heh, that's a 4800 Kilotons per Minuteman or 4.8 Megatons. How many Minutemen does the US have in stockpile, after SORT? 1,050 land based ICBMs. More math?

1,050 Land Base Nuclear Devices
12 Warheads per device
400 KT per Warhead

Total warheads per weapon 12,600. Did I mention that those warheads can be guided to different targets? That's, roughly, 5.04 Gigatons of TNT. Those are just the land based missile systems. That's not counting the Airborne nukes, or the Ohio Class Nuclear subs.

5.04 Giga, fuck, tons of TNT. When they say they are getting rid of their nukes, I chortle.

My numbers may be off I'm by no means an expert, also note that I would assume all 1,050 Minuteman ICBMs cannot be launched at the same time. I just really like large numbers and who gets to write Giga fuck tons of TNT every day?


I remember reading a few articles a couple years ago about how in the past decade we've been minutes from annihilation. The reason is because Russia has a lot of missiles on ready alert but the computers are out of date and they have been reacting and almost firing missiles and our missile systems detect this and get antsy as well. Imagine destroying all of human civilization because of a computer error.

Also I hope they go into the Cuban Missile Crisis story, when we were literally one word away from total nuclear wasteland. We'd basically have no northern hemisphere after that. The story is roughly a Russian nuclear submarine was off Cuba and having depth chargers dropped on it from above. The captain said fire the missiles because it's probably already WW3 up there. Another person the Officer of the whatever stopped him and calmed him down from making this mistake. This one man is responsible for probably billions of peoples lives, he should've received dozens of Peace Medals or Peace hookers or something.

Also Russia is now investing more heavily in it's nuclear program which is states unequivocally is a response to the United States and it's militarism. Also a direct response to the missile defense shield placed in Europe which Russia correctly sees as a first strike weapon.

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