Condoleezza Rice still "Proud Of Decision" To Invade Iraq

From ThinkProgress: In an interview with Bloomberg TV yesterday, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was unable to acknowledge the failure of Iraq. Woodruff presented Buckley’s argument to Rice that Bush’s legacy will be Iraq. "That’s just fine," said Rice.

"We tend to forget very quickly what Saddam Hussein meant. … In the post 9/11 environment, you couldn’t let a threat to international peace and stability like that remain." She added:

"Yes, it’s been very, very tough. But I know that great historical events go through difficult phases and often emerge with the world left for the better. And I am proud of the decision of this administration to overthrow Saddam Hussein. I am proud of the liberation of 25 million Iraqis."

Rice tends to forget what she thought of Iraq prior to 9/11. In July 2001, Rice said on CNN: "In terms of Saddam Hussein being there, let’s remember that his country is divided, in effect. He does not control the northern part of his country. We are able to keep arms from him. His military forces have not been rebuilt."

Iraqi Airways, nearly grounded by decades of mismanagement and economic sanctions under the regime of Saddam Hussein, is back on the runway with a multibillion-dollar order for a fleet of new Boeing passenger planes to service domestic routes and reclaim a share of the increasingly lucrative Middle East market.

Iraqi Ambassador to the U.S. Samir Sumaida'ie says Iraqi Airways' $5.5 billion order for Boeing airplanes is a clear sign that Iraq is taking on some of the costs of its reconstruction.

Iraqi officials hail the deal as a symbol of the country's slow but steady economic rebirth, and also as a sign that they are finally translating the country's vast oil wealth into tangible gains for ordinary Iraqis.

you liberal asswipes are the blind toadys


How are they tangible gains for ordinary Iraqis?

I would have thought Iraqis would need electricity and clean water more than shiny new planes.

I have to say I find the youtube mentality of the whole "you liberal aswipes" thing kinda refreshing amongst all the thoughtful posts we normally see on videosift.


>> ^moodonia:
How are they tangible gains for ordinary Iraqis?
I would have thought Iraqis would need electricity and clean water more than shiny new planes.
I have to say I find the youtube mentality of the whole "you liberal aswipes" thing kinda refreshing amongst all the thoughtful posts we normally see on videosift.

The "liberal aswipes" comment aside, I think davido53 has a point. The Sift has become very like Fox News (which most sifters hate in the extreme) in reverse. Everyone's quick to Sift anything bad that happens over in Iraq while completely ignoring any good news that comes out of there. I would welcome more moderate viewpoints so long as we avoid the name-calling.


You know good news came out when Saddam was in power too. The media just didn't care back then.

Does that mean the regime of Saddam was beneficial or 'good'?

Of course good news will come out, someone is trying to fix the clusterfuck that has occurred. But one shouldn't see it as anything but a clusterfuck. US military power has taken Iraq back to the stone age twice now. US military doctrine attacks resources at first, water, power and electricity.

Buying new planes, a puppy here and there are singular actions of a few people. It does not reflect a wider policy pushed forward by the US government.


Well, if you want some good news, look at these statistics. A lot more here than soldiers adopting puppies, Farhad.

Pretty much shows that in many respects (access to electricity and water) Iraqis are better off now than when Saddam was there. Baghdad unfortunately gets all the news coverage--things are worse there because the insurgency is primarily centered there (and targeting infrastructure as part of its campaign) but Baghdad is by no means indicative of the country as a whole. Gains are being made across the board. Iraq is getting better, not worse.

But like I said, most Sifters would rather ignore that. Rather than actually get info on what's going on over there, they'd rather sift videos completely out of context like these:

They are, apparently, unaware of the hypocrisy of lambasting Fox News for its taking clips out of context and spinning them for its own propaganda when they post such clips.

BTW, I was against the wars (both Iraq and Afganistan) from the start. But now that's what done is done and we've gone in and tore the places up, we have a responsibility to rebuild them. Whoever is to blame for the mess is irrelevant at this point, particulary since this administration is over and done with at the end of this year anyway. I'd rather people focus their attention on how we can get these two countries back on track again than sit around pointing fingers at one another.


"At night I hear the shots
Ring so I'm a light sleeper
The cost of life,
it seems to get cheaper
out in the desert
with my street sweeper
The war is over
So said the speaker with the flight suit on
Maybe to him I'm just a pawn
So he can advance" Gorillaz Dirty Harry


americans make planes. planes burn oil.


also i very much liked the truthiness of the term "multisectarian government".
i would lol but it's tragic.


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