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Colonel Douglas Macgregor Thoughts on The Ukraine War

Colonel Douglas Macgregor Thoughts on The Ukraine War and other local and global issues.

Oh bobby…
Macgregor…the racist that said Muslim immigrants/refugees (whom he referred to as "Muslim invaders") come to Europe "with the goal of eventually turning Europe into an Islamic state" so should be turned away.
Who said “Vergangenheitsbewältigung” (which refers to the psychological process of the denazification of Germany post ww2) is a “sick mentality”.
The guy who under Trump argued that martial law should be instituted on the U.S.-Mexico border and argued for the extrajudicial execution of all those who cross the border at unofficial ports of entry (which, like they’ve done in Texas, means intentionally killing children).
The guy who congress refused to confirm as an ambassador for good cause.
And disgraced liar Tucker?

This is you guys? 😂

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