Huffington Post:
Whenever Stephen Colbert debuts one of his "People Who Are Destroying America" segments, you know you're about to meet someone wonderful. It's the brilliance of "The Colbert Report" that anything labelled as horrible or destructive is actually something that restores your faith in humanity.
Wednesday's subject of Colbert's fake ire was no exception. In fact, the story of Mayor Johnny Cummings of Vicco, Ky. and the people of his town is so heartwarming you might want to plan a visit there. If you recall, Vicco made headlines in January for being one of the smallest towns in America to pass a non-discrimination law. Naturally, this development sent chills down the spine of "Stephen Colbert"... not to be confused with Stephen Colbert.
While the segment offers plenty of laughs, we challenge you to watch the last moment without tearing up a little bit.
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siftbotsays...Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Thursday, August 15th, 2013 9:50am PDT - promote requested by eric3579.
schlubsays...Blocked here..
This one's not:
Procrastinatronsays...It's truly
amazingHORRIBLE to seeopen-mindednessHORRIBLE EVIL FAGGOTSfind its way intoTAKE OVER the traditionallybigotedJESUS-FEARIN' parts ofAmerica'MURRICA.
criticalthudsays...god, in his capricious ways, made gays in order to have better daytime television, which he publicly abhors but privately watches with great majesty while frivously wasting away his time. gays are why the universe is going to shit
Blocked here..
This one's not:
rebuildersays...I still lose my marbles when someone uses "it's a sin" as a political argument. Sometimes I feel like starting a real fire-and-brimstones old testament literalist party just to make the point religion is a poor basis for policymaking. Then I remember folks like the Westboro Baptist Church, and wonder if they didn't already beat me to it.
Yogisays...I fucking FUCKING loved this segment. I don't like watching Colbert but I happened to catch this one and jesus christ it was brilliant, it nearly made me fucking cry.
siftbotsays...Boosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by eric3579.
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