Climbing Giant Trees-Like A Boss

In a quest to return to his climbing roots and to advance the understanding of California’s giant Coast Redwoods, Chris Sharma recently embarked on an unprecedented free climb in a Northern California forest glade. Using only his hands and feet and protected from falls by a rope and harness, Sharma collected valuable data from a soaring Redwood, located in a city park in Eureka, to measure tree water status as an indicator of how it has been affected by the current severe drought. Red Bull worked closely with two UC Berkeley Tree Biologists in preparing for and executing this project.

If you've never seen a giant redwood tree in person, you're missing out on one of the 7 natural wonders of the world. Endor is real, it exists in Northern California, but there's not really any Ewoks, sorry. Even without them, there's nothing to compare with a 300+ foot high forest of trees. Pictures, film, articles, none of them convey the astonishing majesty of the largest living single organisms on earth. Go see them at least once in your life, you won't regret it.


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Actually just did Muir woods after the semester ended... you are not kidding.

I've done a fair amount of traveling and this is without a doubt one of the most incredible places i've ever been to. The trees are unimaginably large, and the woods themselves just amazingly peaceful.


If you've never seen a redwood tree in person, you're missing out on one of the 7 natural wonders of the world. Endor is real, it exists in Northern California, but there's not really any Ewoks, sorry. Even without them, there's nothing to compare with a 300+ foot high forest of trees. Pictures, film, articles, none of them convey the astonishing majesty of the largest living single organisms on earth. Go see them at least once in your life, you won't regret it.


Muir woods is nice, but as I recall the trees there aren't much over 250ft tops. (Note, the tree he climbs in the video is just over 200ft) Farther north, we have more, and amazingly even larger trees.
We have the Avenue of the Giants (where you drive through the forest paralleling 101), drive through trees, Hyperion-the tallest known tree at nearly 380ft , and Trees of Mystery, a great place to tour large and interesting trees I would suggest anyone check out


Actually just did Muir woods after the semester ended... you are not kidding.

I've done a fair amount of traveling and this is without a doubt one of the most incredible places i've ever been to. The trees are unimaginably large, and the woods themselves just amazingly peaceful.

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