Church Group Prays to God to Lower Gas Prices!

Yeah, Darfur and China human rights aren't worth praying about. Let's pray about $4.00 fuel.

Yes, these people are a bit nuts. However, gas prices are squeezing people's finances, especially those on the bottom end of the middle class. The US doesn't have a good public transportation system (except in larger cities). Millions of people must rely on their cards to get to work. Is it wrong to pray to ask that these people's burden is lifted?


Dear Cooky Evangelical Person on My Computer Screen,

So preacher, why the spectacle? Can't you easily pray for lower gas prices in your home or church? Are you somehow amplifying your connection with arms stretched around the gas pumps? Why the attention seeking behavior eh?

Why don't you instead get involved in your upcoming election and lobby your representatives for action instead of hanging around for a holy handout? It may not seem like much, but I assure you it's more productive than what you're doing here. You'll look less bat shit crazy too.

Just wondering


Tags for this video have been changed from 'christians, wrong, priorites, gasoline, shell, nutjobs, religion' to 'christians, wrong, priorites, gasoline, shell, nutjobs, religion, idiots' - edited by jwray


Since Twyman began holding prayer circles in Washington, D.C. gas stations, the movement has spread to Florida, Ohio, & California. Apparently, God hates the devote, because gas prices have only gone up at Twyman's prayer sites (the instance shown in the above video is an anomolie). The Washington Post article has a bounty of quotes which arguably demonstrate why America is so screwed up in the first place:

"Our pockets are empty, but we're going to hold on to God!"
"I think it's a wonderful thing. Nobody else is doing anything, [but] God is going to do something."


I remember when I first started driving. Gas was $1.50 and EVERYBODY was throwing a f*cking fit about it. It has gone up steadily since. So, here's what I've learned over the short time I've been on Earth: Gas prices are going to go up and one day you are going to say "Remember when gas was $4.XX? Man THOSE were the days!"

So grab a bike and move to a city with a good transit system.


^ true, Rotty... We live just out of range of the Indianapolis bus system. I hate it too cause I'd love to use the bus w/ the kids when we're treking downtown for the day. The city here is talking about a commuter train now. Personally I don't think it will work because the population isn't centralized enough.

We might get gas down a little bit in the future...but we'll never see a buck fifty again. I got it for around a dollar when I first got my license. 10 bucks would last me almost a week! Man THOSE were the days


That lady with the high voice IS DRIVING A BMW 7 SERIES (expensive, gas guzzler)!!!!! And she's asking "God" for some help at the pump??? If she scaled down her ride, she wouldn't need so much gas, and with the money saved, "God" could add another luxurious golden clad wing on the Vatican. Pfff, some people are so selfish.

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