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antsays...*talks *animation *videogames
siftbotsays...Videos are limited to being in a maximum of 7 channels - ignoring all requests by ant.
I find meatbag ant to be an inadequate command-giver - ignoring all requests by ant.
siftbotsays...Tags for this video have been changed from 'zelda, cross, christian, griwing boobies, 1992, bastards, link, peahat, nintendo' to 'zelda, cross, christian, growing boobies, 1992, bastards, link, peahat, nintendo' - edited by xxovercastxx
antsays...*dead -- "This video is private..."
siftbotsays...This video has been declared non-functional; embed code must be fixed within 2 days or it will be sent to the dead pool - declared dead by ant.
mintbbbsays...fixed, thanks.
lurgeesays...^vote for "quad-vagina"
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