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Christmas dogs video (44 seconds)


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With regard to viral marketing and Google, you have to ask "why?" Many people think they are the Internets. (mostly people who use the term "internets" without irony)

Still, marketing and Google leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's like the Queen coming cheer at her own parade.

James Roesays...

I talked to trevor, he was pretty repentant in that this isn't from his department in google and he was posting it so that his friends video might get some more views. I reinstated his account, but think that this still probably cuts the line too close to self linking. With that in mind I am going to leave the video here.


boy, that vid was lame. I guess that's the trouble with pushing viral stuff, people are convinced stuff is good but can't be objective. OTOH if it's good it'll find an audience..with some promotional pump-priming. It's a fine line between promotion and spamming.

((I'm haunted by the secret fear my writing will turn to ChogieSpeak..))


oh god.. that was the most cutest video ever. They will rule the viral airwaves. I can't believe to say this, but I would so vote for this, even knowing it is viral and self-posted and from a large mega-corp and not even suzie youtuber.

It was that festive. I feel like ebenzer scrooge.


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