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Choose Your Own Tube (episode 1)

A weekly comedy where viewers can vote for what will happen in the next episode. Just like a choose your own adventure book. Episode 2 is now ready for viewing and voting at

"Are we shooting?" - Three Kings

I never really got a good understanding of what we're doing to obvious self-links - immediate discard, or immediate ban too?

Is ban being reserved for people who do repeat submissions against the rules, with a discard for others doing so for the first time?


Now if this was an example of an individual making a self-linked post by mistake, I would merely *discard the video and encourage the user to repost.

Judging from the account name, though, I infer that the account was created for the sole purpose of promoting the production rather than as a "personal" account created to share a single person's sift findings from across the internet.

So, although this is a first-time violation, it appears that the account was clearly created with a single-purpose, self-promotion, therefore it is up for an immediate *ban as the poster clearly should've known better than to engage in flagrant self-promotion.


Yep, sorry about this guys I just read about this site in the paper and thought it would be a good way to promote my video. I wasn't aware of the posting guidelines until after I posted. And I couldn't find any delete button.


Alright remi, that's fair enough - for future reference, please note that you can hit the "edit your post" link to edit a video and replace it with new code".

Nothing personal, but we have to keep things a bit strict on new users. Your prompt reply will probably keep other goldies from seconding the nomination - you're welcome to stick around, but please use your account to promote videos other than your own. I'm sure others will, in time, come across your video and sift it up if they like it.

For future reference, to delete, you enter the *discard command yourself - you can always discard your own Sifted video no matter what.


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