Chomsky explains Cold War in 5 minutes

From a 1985 discussion held in a forest.

>> ^geo321:

Sigh... forest Chomski, No mainstream media for you.>> ^Yogi:
>> ^bareboards2:
I love listening to smart people.

Me too...but I wish people would let them back inside where it's warm...why the fuck isn't Chomsky allowed inside?!

I saw an interview onetime where Chomsky was interviewed in Australia and the interviewer was asking him why some amazing journalist doesn't have a monthly or weekly column or a radio show or basically ANYTHING but books coming out from a third party publisher. Chomsky explained and told the interviewer that he didn't have a column in any paper or anything like that, and the interviewer simply didn't believe it was just ridiculous to him that that could be the case.

Chomsky will be gone soon and it'll be like much of America totally missed out on this very sober and competent voice of our times.


It's the plight of Air America or Democracy Now. Sane, well-balanced (if not, at times, receptive to the conspiratorial) voices like Chomsky's do not get much mainstream exposure because they don't elicit the conservative appeal or liberal shock (like, say, Ann Coulter does).

Academicians rarely make prime time television unless they are the news, in which case the spotlight burns more than it illuminates.

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^geo321:
Sigh... forest Chomski, No mainstream media for you.>> ^Yogi:
>> ^bareboards2:
I love listening to smart people.

Me too...but I wish people would let them back inside where it's warm...why the fuck isn't Chomsky allowed inside?!

I saw an interview onetime where Chomsky was interviewed in Australia and the interviewer was asking him why some amazing journalist doesn't have a monthly or weekly column or a radio show or basically ANYTHING but books coming out from a third party publisher. Chomsky explained and told the interviewer that he didn't have a column in any paper or anything like that, and the interviewer simply didn't believe it was just ridiculous to him that that could be the case.
Chomsky will be gone soon and it'll be like much of America totally missed out on this very sober and competent voice of our times.


Goes to illustrate that the whole thing is a scam.

We "win" the Cold War, so what do they do?

They invented another enemy, terrorism.

Used to be a big bad Ruskie hiding under our beds, hating us for our freedom.

Now it's anybody in the Middle East who isn't Christian or Jewish.


>> ^quantumushroom:

If a tree falls in the forest, was it bored to death by Chomsky?

I have to agree with this...I've listened to almost every talk and read almost every book by Chomsky. Despite the mountains of info and commentary I absorb from him...he is BORING. And when I talk about these subjects it's boring too.


>> ^TangledThorns:

Noam Chomsky is writing his new book, title will be 'This Book, Brought To You By Capitalism!'

Ironic considering he has a great story about a large publishing company shutting down an entire smaller publishing company they own just so his book wouldn't be released. It was already printed and warehouses full of his books and some corporate guy didn't want it released, he couldn't just refuse that book so he shut down the company...and other peoples books weren't published as well.

Capitalism is controlled by people...just because they're not politicians doesn't make them better, they're not voted for and they only care about the bottom line.


Yeah i suspect something was lost in the cutting. As it is it all comes across a bit ranty. Didnt explain anything about extensions of power through supporting insurrection? Countries only support those countries willing to trade with them? Yeah duh. One ideology vs another? Brilliant. Not an external threat? Poland, east germany, malaysia, vietnam, cuba? New way of thinking about the cold war? Hardly. Probably a lot better when hearing opposing views.


This is neither here nor there, but Chomsky is a multi-millionaire. I'd like to know if he uses tax shelters and loopholes to preserve his great wealth.

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^quantumushroom:
If a tree falls in the forest, was it bored to death by Chomsky?

I have to agree with this...I've listened to almost every talk and read almost every book by Chomsky. Despite the mountains of info and commentary I absorb from him...he is BORING. And when I talk about these subjects it's boring too.

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