Chinese Kids walking on Water


"Why is little Ko's ball all fogged-up and not moving?"

"Tradgedy today, as yet another asian child was found off the coast of Hawaii, in another airtight, buoyant, sarcophagus.

I want one!!!!!


i was thinking the same thing. i wonder how much air is in there for a child who's excercising and breathing it all up?

other than the 'pass out' possibility, those things look fun as hell. imagine using a scuba tank in there, you could stay for hours.


These things are the rage at most river parks I've seen around here. And, no... no tubes, no porous material... just inflated plastic that's zipped and taped shut.

They should have shown the adults doing it, much more entertaining to see some people trying to remain cool while flailing all over the place.

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