Children of the Future Jihad



Please Fletch, try harder and post something that doesn't come From MEMRITV and I will give credence to your views. But right now it's like saying Christianity is evil based on what you hear about it from the Westboro church. Am just glad that MEMRITV exists to satisfy your and ghostcake's perverse views on what is Islam and such.

Here is a direct link -

Notice anything? I thought you wouldn't. Too blind are the sheep to see, the continents slowly being split into 3.

"MEMRI has been criticized primarily for its choice of the content it selects for translation. Brian Whitaker, the Middle East editor for the UK Guardian newspaper, has criticized MEMRI for having a pro-Israel bias and agenda, and not being explicit about this on its website. He has written, "My problem with Memri is that it poses as a research institute when it's basically a propaganda operation", that material selected by MEMRI for translation, "further the political agenda of Israel, and ", and that, "MEMRI's website does not mention you [Carmon] or your work for Israeli intelligence. Nor does it mention MEMRI's co-founder, Meyrav Wurmser, and her extreme brand of Zionism ... Given your political background, it's legitimate to ask whether MEMRI is a trustworthy vehicle"

More recently, on his blog for the The Guardian, Whitaker claims that MEMRI misrepresented a segment of Tomorrow's Pioneers, a children's' television program produced by Hamas which showed examples of child incitement. Hussein Ibish, a spokesman for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee comments that "MEMRI performs a useful function but unfortunately they have a pro-Israel, right-wing agenda." He also says that: "There is of course some horrific stuff in the Arab press, but one tends to forget that the American press can also be very nasty.

Ken Livingstone, former British MP and the current Mayor of London, has stated of MEMRI that: "The translation and selection of quotes tend to portray Islam in a very negative light." He has accused MEMRI of "outright distortion". Ibrahim Hooper, a director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, stated in the Washington Times that "MEMRI's intent is to find the worst possible quotes from the Muslim world and disseminate them as widely as possible." William Rugh, former US ambassador to the United Arab Emirates and Yemen, describes MEMRI as a service which "does not present a balanced or complete picture of the Arab print media. ...Quotes are selected to portray Arabs as preaching hatred against Jews and westerners, praising violence and refusing any peaceful settlement of the Palestinian issue."

Leila Hudson writes in the journal Middle East Policy, "MEMRI simultaneously highlights stories emphasizing the most extreme stereotypes of clashing Arab and Islamic civilization, which would not otherwise come to light. In effect, it amplifies the noise that most effectively distracts from the projects of engagement and negotiation. This is compounded by the interlinked series of websites, blogs and forums on the right wing of the think-tank periphery. Like the Israeli disinformation site, MEMRI produces and amplifies noise, while buttressing the weak 'clash of civilizations' theory with selective extremist writing."

Hamas is a terrorist organization and is dispeakable in the actions that it carries out (suicide bombings), but putting them forward as speaking for the entire region from a religious point of view is just about the stupidest thing ever. Let's not look at the root causes that allow Hamas to gain power... am sure it has NOTHING to do with historical context of the conflict and you know 60 year oppression of the Palestinian people who basically have NO say in their lives.

No clearly this video shows that we are all mental over there and should be wiped out with a few nuclear strikes. What are you waiting for?

I wait for the bright sunrise.


Do you really think that I believe all Muslims behave as such? Or that Islam is religion solely based on war and submission? Fuck no, we're talking about RADICAL Islam which has become fairly prevalent. I have nothing against Islam or Muslims, just the radicals.

EVIL MEMRI TV is showing clips of radicalized Muslims being radical. Boo hoo!

There are also plenty of video clips on MEMRI TV showing moderate Muslims denouncing terrorism.


Just a video, not necessarily my views. However, you wrongly assume that I seek or even give a shit for your "credence". Unlike some of the VS regulars, I'm not looking to please or mollify you, and my point is so fuckin' lost on you, you must have been taking lessons from gwaan. Next, you'll be putting words in my mouth and thoughts in my head. All that cutting and pasting for nothing... tsk tsk.


No unlike you I lived in the middle east and know more then just one side of the story.

Do you even give a distinction between Islam and Radical Islam? No. To you this is some anti-theist crusade all over again Fletch.

Fear and misunderstanding is what breeds the stupidity of shit like the clash of civilization. Do you talk about Hamas and it's effects and actions? No. It's always the same thing. Islam is the problem to you.


Anti-theist crusade? And "all over again"? LOL. Slick. Putting thoughts in my head, too. As I predicted. Ask a question, then answer it yourself, as if you had a clue to what I'm about. Rhetoric. Oratory for it's own sake. Asking a question of someone you claim to know the answer to is ignorant grand-standing. If you want me to give any credence to what YOU say, especially after the lame shit you pulled in SiftTalk yesterday, you've got long way to go, hoss. Keep trying. You've got fans here somewhere.


Iran keeps cropping up in the media in the west, it's propaganda. governments are moving our attention to it for their own agendas. i presume that the US, Israel and the UK governments have a plan and are simply after controlling the whole of the middle east.
the majority of people are peaceful and we shouldnt let the crazys make us dislike other people just because they're different.
i think this video is negative from all points of view, so a downvote from me.

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