Chernobyl Disaster -- First Aerial Footage

Seems to be Russian footage of the Chernobyl Disaster, soon after it occurred.


"we're fucked"? Incidentally, working with nuclear materials, I hope I never ever hear a geiger counter scream like that. Gives me chills hearing that noise at the end.


I have a geiger counter... fun to measure the orange color of Fiesta Ware dinner plates... they used a uranium in the dye. Also when my infant went through some radioactive nuclear imaging pre-transplant I could get a very strong reading off her liver (and her diapers.)


ive seen this with subtitles and he was saying stuff like "the core is exposed".

i dont know if has died yet, but i know he either did die or he's very sick with the effects. I've a very high regard for the people that did these things knowing full well that it would kill them.


The duration of this video has been updated from unknown to 1:03 - length declared by kulpims.

Adding video to channels (80s, Eco) - requested by kulpims.

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