Charles Bukowski kicking his soon to be fiancé

Charles Bukowski flips out when his future wife tells him how it's going to be.

Listen out for the director saying "uh-oh" when he kicks off.

The man had problems, but he's still one of the best American poets ever.

Wish I could find the video that she took of him as his wife a few years later when he was reading one of the last poems he ever wrote, so happy he was beside himself.


Modest Mouse: Woke up this morning and it seemed to me, that every night turns out to be, a little bit more like Bukowski. And yeah, I know he's a pretty good read. But God who'd wanna be? God who'd wanna be such an asshole? God who'd wanna be? God who'd wanna be such an asshole?


I may be taking her words out of context, and wouldn't of handled the situation with physical violence. That said if a girlfriend or fiance declared that she was going to sleep with whoever she wanted and that's the way it was going to be then I would have reacted badly as well. And I suspect any one, male or female would as well. So let's not beat up on the guy as being batshit crazy. Even though I'm sure he happens to be.


>> ^highdileeho:
I may be taking her words out of context, and wouldn't of handled the situation with physical violence. That said if a girlfriend or fiance declared that she was going to sleep with whoever she wanted and that's the way it was going to be then I would have reacted badly as well. And I suspect any one, male or female would as well. So let's not beat up on the guy as being batshit crazy. Even though I'm sure he happens to be.

Have you ever read Bukowski?

Do you know that he was severely abused by his father for most of his childhood?

It's obvious that I'm a huge fan of his, and nothing that I say will convince anybody otherwise, but this segment is not the definitive summation of Charles Bukowski.

Believe otherwise if you want. Your loss as far as I'm concerned.


woman on the street

her shoes themselves
would light my room
like my candles.

she walks like all things
shining on glass,
like all things
that make a difference.

she walks away

(Charles Bukowski)


secret laughter

the lair of the hunted is
hidden in the last place
you'd ever look
and even if you find it
you won't believe
it's really there
in much the same way
as the average person
will not believe a great painting.

(Charles Bukowski)


what makes a great poet?
insanity? like emily dickenson?
or technical brilliance? like shakespeare?
or is it something less quantifiable?
like courage..
and honesty..
the ability to lay open your wounds and lay naked and raw.
while vultures of pretension nibble on the gristle of your endeavors.
or is a great poet something that is spoon fed to you by your english lit teacher?
and if that is the case you need to sit down,shut up and realize you dont understand poetry.
you may understand the historical relevance of whitman all the way to keats but you dont understand poetry.
you may be able to write a perfect sonnet.
rhyme amd meter..cadence..flawless..
and you still wont understand poetry.

bukowski reacted how any one of us would after being told our future partner is going to FUCK anybody she/he wishes to.
we would most likely have restrained from violence,especially being on TV.
he only did what we would have WANTED to do.
and yet you sit there and judge him for his lack of restraint.
he is the dick for acting and you are not for only WANTING.
i say we are all dicks.
at least bukowski had the balls to show his rage and hurt.
we would remain quiet like little pussies,hiding behind the facade of civility.
so really...who is the dick?

"knowledge without mileage=BULLSHIT"-henry rollins

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