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Chalmers Johnson: Oil Wars, Overreach, and Decay of Empire

Chalmers Johnson is great. Very smart, very knowledgeable, very accessible expert on US foreign policy and what events have brought us to the geopolitics of today. He's also in the documentary 'Why We Fight' which was (is?) on the Sift.

A thoroughly enjoyable talk in the sense that it delved into some of the core issues and did so very methodically and factually.

Do you know if there are any more videos with this guy? Would love to hear more about what he has to say.


Thanks! Will make sure to check out part 2 of this talk.
Have seen "Why we fight" previously, but there's something off-putting about movies like that in my mind. Or rather, atleast this is how it seems to me, they're not interested in educating the viewer as much as they're trying to force a view on him/her with the use of music, imagery and selective information and statistics, all taken out of context.
This kind of talk however is nice, not only because he seems to try to give a context for his views (giving the facts he builds his views on, and not giving the views he builds his facts on like in some documentaries) but also because I don't perceive him as condescending or arrogant, which makes it easier to try and objectively think about what he says.
Because after all, changing someone's mind about something is never about beating them over the head with information and facts. If anything, it'll make them refuse it as people tend to hold on to what they have in face of adversity. It's just human nature, just like how people who see a documentary of the kind I mentioned earlier, and agree with it, will most likely praise it beyond reason.


This man knows what hes talking about. Hes written 3 books about American hegemony. The first was "Blowback".In it he said that there will probably be and event were a small group of guerrila's will attack us and it will shock us, because we wouldnt have the information to understand it with. It was published monthes (maybe a year?) before 9/11. Then he wrote "The Sorrows of the Empire" where he talks about the Military-Industrial Complex and the things Empires have to do to maintain power and control. Shortly after that book, Bush launched the war in Iraq. His Final book is "Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic" and in that he talks about our eventual fall into Fascism/Dictatorship and probable collapse.

He knows what hes talking about, and I suggest you guys read his works.


Thank you for this sift. I watched Part 2 also.

It is interesting how our history classes in school never mention this and that it is completely missing as context during major broadcasts. It is very frustrating also. Very much indeed. I try talking with people about issues like this and receive blank stares. How can we expect to be a democracy when the people don't even know what the government has done in their name (openly and covertly?)

As I get older and study more, it is easier and easier to see the majority of American citizens as sheep. Can you blame them though? I'm having a hard time trying to absorb this all with working full-time and going to school full-time. And you have to search for the information! (This sift was a little gold nugget for me. Thanks again.) Couple that with the mind-numbing, imagination-dulling effect of the TV, and I'm about ready to start spouting out conspiracies on the deliberate dumbing down of Americans.

In the face of my fierce desire to know and my busy schedule, I end up scheduling small amounts of time for reading or studying like a drug addict begging for his next hit. Oh well, only three more years of school and then I will have more free time.

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