Catholic Church: 2000 years of paedophilia

Short animation on the history of sexual abuse in the catholic church, starting 60 C.E.

Pope B16: "It's secularisation's fault!"

Well, considering the invisible sky daddy only wants sexually immature boys ("protected sex and contraception, icky!") running his church, this isn't very surprising.

Moreover, with the consistent misogyny (non-virgins are impure whores) and homophobia (adult buttsecks is evil!), what are they left with? The "pure" and innocent youths the have under their power.


LOL ill agree to the church going if we can also round up dumb arse people who fall for this glossy shit. POP QUIZ ya dopes, what year was the age of consent introduced? What is it currently in Spain, Austria AND the Vatican? (you only have to choose between 12,13 and 14) Different places, different social values and believe it or not, different times. Church is guilty of loads of shit but for fucks sake tie more reason to your hate than a fkin bandwagon. Whats next - all italians are gay because of roman orgies?


>> ^ponceleon:

Religion needs to go.

Not necessarily...putties need to get hip to the world of the real, the unreal, etc.

Truth stranger than fiction affects Atheists as well, we are all, in our delusion, under the same trance as everyone else....



Um ... so, your opinion is that the people involved here consented? Are you of the opinion that any sex which occurs over the age of consent is consensual? Furthermore, are suggesting that all the victims are over the age of 12 (or 13, or 14)?

And, even further to the point, are you suggesting the only guideline for behaviour is the law? Even if it was legal to rape children, that would not excuse the priests from doing it and in no time or era has the catholic church condoned sexual activity outside of marriage, let alone between an adult and a child, let alone in the same sex (which seems to be the majority of the abuse for one reason or another). Your different places & values is BS; it has always been taboo in the church from day one (hence the admonition in AD60 mentioned in the video).

You're probably just trolling, but this sort of BS needs to be called out just the same.

>> ^thumpa28:

POP QUIZ ya dopes, what year was the age of consent introduced? What is it currently in Spain, Austria AND the Vatican? (you only have to choose between 12,13 and 14) Different places, different social values and believe it or not, different times.


As I understand it, the church forbids priests from absolutely all forms of sexual outlet. Even the most harmless possible sexual release, masturbation, is seen as something that god hates for some reason. So, why not try castration? Sexual desire has real physiological causes that are well understood. It's not like even they believe it's a spiritual affliction any more, there is just too much medical understanding.

And if you could absolutely never have any kind of sexual release, why would you WANT to be tormented by constant desire? Perhaps Catholics will claim there's something noble in having the desire and denying it; that it's a test. But they've got to find some more responsible way to play their little game of temptation and self-denial. Because the rules of this one lead to a child being raped whenever one of them loses his truly pointless battle with his own libido. (or more often to a good wank followed by sobbing and self-flagellation)

Best of all, surgical and chemical castration really work. You really can murder your sex drive by taking the right drugs or snipping the right bit.


>> ^NinjaInHeat:

At least us atheist pedophiles know we can't hide behind the church if we get caught, which is why we tend to keep things in the family.

Exactly, where's the thrill of committing one of the (if not THE) worst crime imaginable if you have a hugely powerful organisation covering it up for you...


It's true there have been problems with Paedophilia and Catholic priests in the past, but don't let that cloud your judgement of all Catholics and all Catholic priests. They are not all like that.

I also dislike the title of this video. If someone were to post a video called "The Muslim Faith: 2000 Years of Terrorism" they would be called ignorant or intolerant. I don't see how this is different.



No one is claiming all Catholic priests are like that; the majority of accusations and calls for action against such crimes came from members of the clergy themselves (did you even watch the video?). Moreover, the problems are not only "in the past"...

Also, note how I did not entitle the video: "The Christian Faith: 2000 years of paedophilia"... there is a big difference.

Regardless, I would have no qualms posting a video entitled "Islam: 1400 years of violence" if someone where to make such a video on the subject.


>> ^hpqp:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since April 28th, 2010" class="profilelink">Beefpile
No one is claiming all Catholic priests are like that; the majority of accusations and calls for action against such crimes came from members of the clergy themselves (did you even watch the video?). Moreover, the problems are not only "in the past"...
Also, note how I did not entitle the video: "The Christian Faith: 2000 years of paedophilia"... there is a big difference.
Regardless, I would have no qualms posting a video entitled "Islam: 1400 years of violence" if someone where to make such a video on the subject.

You just put an awful lot of words in my mouth that I never typed.

edit: Wow that's a lot of weird code.... apparently the quote button doesnt work or maybe I'm just using it wrong.

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