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Cat Tape Tricks


How is this nature channel? From the FAQ:

"nature - videos involving the study of the Earth, wild animal, insect, or botanical life; this does not include videos featuring domesticated animals"


No offense coyote42, but look at what you posted. There is so much positive stuff out there you could have posted, but you decided to post a video of someone sticking a piece of tape on a cat, and called it funny. The sift has been accused of being a bit cerebral at times, but I see that as more a positive than a negitive. If this was another of your average video ratings sites, I would have never stuck around. Take the licks for posting this video, and get over it. Nothing says the next video you submit will be received the same. Just don't submit another video which is cruel to animals, and I might even vote for it.


I was commenting more on the tag I chose. I suddenly get 3 emails saying my video was moved here and there and finally ended up with no tag. Which I only assume means its not even listed at all anymore.


I don't think this nearly rises to the level of "abuse". They're clearly not being injured and they don't even seem overly distressed. mildly irritating at worst.


That cat's gotta be drugged. My cats would never put up with that bullshit. "A collar? ..that's cute. Okay, I'll wear you're collar until I get outside. Fuck head." There's no way that's a typical cat.


"How is this nature channel? From the FAQ:

"nature - videos involving the study of the Earth, wild animal, insect, or botanical life; this does not include videos featuring domesticated animals"

OK, I was clearly wrong on that; I didn't remember the exact wording from the FAQ.

I assume it's written that way to exclude 'look at the cute kitten' type videos. I natured (yes, I used nature as a verb) this for its educational value; I didn't know cats do this.


That is cruel, I wish I could downvote. It's pulling the cat's fur every time it tries to move, the reason they are moving so awkwardly is because they don't like getting their fur (and nipples, genitals* and so on) pulled any more than people enjoy bikini waxes. Plus, how do they take the tape off? They obviously can't pull it off, the poor puss would be bald! They'd have to cut the fur underneath the tape, which is dangerous and uncomfortable.

Here's an idea for their next show - break a dog's leg so it dangles loose and laugh at how it hilariously decides to limp. Yes, this is more extreme but it's the same basic thing. Kinda like a Pulp Fiction foot massage...

* Edit: I guess many people do like getting their genitals pulled but the rest of my argument stands.


sorry, I don't think it's abuse. It's no worse than what they do when you drop your pet off at the groomers. The tape comes off and kitty is in his lap for a night of tv. Lighten up guys

Everyone remember the cat washing machine?

Coyote, you have a bold pair to have a go at kitties your first sift here.


i also agree that this is not cruelty. it's not even abuse, per se. not to mention that it's packing tape... i think... it looks too glossy to be masking tape, but either way... swampgirl is right... take your pet to the groomers and watch... suddenly it's not so cute anymore seeing fluffy get aggressively brushed, while being pinned down with thick gloved hands. cats will most DEFINITELY let you know if they're pissed off, injured, etc.

i'm a cat-lover, so take it all for what it's worth, but seriously guys... it's not like they're using thumbtacks on the kitty...

oh, and btw, the whole laughing at a dog's broken leg... not even applicable. apples and oranges may both be fruits, but you're still trying to compare... apples and oranges...

plus, the japanese (assuming here, cause i can't tell the diff between the kanji's, or if they're even all called kanji's.) are kind of...... well, it's a different culture over there... not knocking them, mind you... i'd move to tokyo tomorrow if i could afford to do so, because i'm fascinated with the culture... we need a visit from PM to translate this, if it is, in fact, japanese.


I don't think this is cruel to the cat. I have a cat and he's treats me a lot worse than I treat him. The cat doesn't seem angry or annoyed at all. Just very confused.

I wonder how the owner came up with this though? "Oh, you know what this painting tape would be good for?" (It looks like painting tape to me... the kind you stick on the corners of a wall you don't want to get paint on... usually blue in the US, but hey, things are different in Japan)

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