Bombs Away! — World's fastest coconut picking monkey

A battle between man and monkey for precious coconut booty, from the annual Man versus Monkey competition.

These macaque monkeys are trained to pick coconuts, and they're paid in bananas.

Don't believe me? Here's a monkey hitching a ride to work, a news story describing the rough work, and a demo done for some tourists.

>> ^kronosposeidon:
^Whose side are you on?! If I were President your ass would SO be in Gitmo.

Whew. Glad I don't live in your country, that sounds awful.

BTW, you do know the monkeys have dirt on all of us, right? They're just waiting for the right moment to strike with their hordes of lawyers.


>> ^ant:
Music was annoying. Wouldn't it be easier to drop the whole coconut pack?

I agree - the music is horrible.

The human should always win, if we're able to employ our natural talents: use of tools. Knife with sharp serrated edge should do it, if not a portable power tool of some sort. Plus, we could shoot the monkey.

Go humans!

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