Black Sabbath - Paranoid

"Paranoid" is a song by Black Sabbath that appears on the band's breakthrough album Paranoid. Supposedly, the members of Black Sabbath put together this song in 15 minutes based on a riff by Tony Iommi. This song was only meant to be a "filler", but became one of Black Sabbath's most successful songs. The record company changed the album's name from War Pigs, as it was originally intended, to Paranoid out of fear of a backlash from supporters of the Vietnam War.

Paranoid is uncharacteristically fast and simple for a Black Sabbath song, and is one of the most-covered songs of all time. Unlike most of the band's songs, "Paranoid" was short enough (just under 3 minutes) to be released as a single, as well as to receive airplay on mainstream radio. The single was released in the UK in July 1970 and it reached the number 4. (Thanks Wikipedia)

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