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kronosposeidonsays...Wahow! This is good.
schmawysays...Interesting, I don't remember hearing the overdrive or distortion of the vocals on the radio. Maybe they took it out so people wouldn't try to adjust their dials.
siftbotsays...Only published videos may be flagged dead - ignoring dead request by Fedquip.
gorgonheapsays...Nope, it's alive I say, ALIVE!
siftbotsays...This published video has been declared non-functional; embed code must be fixed within 2 days or it will be sent to the dead pool - declared dead by Eklek.
gorgonheapsays...It plays just fine for me why can't others see it! *undead
gorgonheapsays...*discuss, I need help. It plays fine for me and siftbot isn't taking orders right now either.
siftbotsays...This video is being sent to Sift Talk for discussion - discuss requested by gorgonheap.
Sarzysays...It's not working for me either. I think it's one of those videos that only plays in the States. Maybe you can find another embed?
jonnysays...The YT submitter is AtlanticVideos, as in Atlantic Records, so it's quite possible that it's region blocked.
Gorgonheap - the invocation was changed (as of 3.0, I think) to *notdead
jonnysays...guess it has to be *returned first
siftbotsays...Returning this video from Sift Talk - return requested by jonny.
siftbotsays...This dead video has been deemed functional; it must have been accidentally declared dead - declared notdead by jonny.
jonnysays...Ok, now let's *discuss what status region blocked videos should have.
First, can someone for whom this appears dead click through to youtube to confirm region blocking?
Second, as I've written multiple times before, this is only going to get worse, and for VS to ban entire video hosts for this is absurd. I really think we need a more sophisticated solution.
Is there any way to detect region blocking server-side? Perhaps that could be used to invalidate embed code upon submission? I don't really like that answer either, but I can't come up with anything else at the moment.
siftbotsays...This video is being sent to Sift Talk for discussion - discuss requested by jonny.
Sarzysays...I can confirm that when I click through I get the message "This video is not available in your country."
blankfistsays...Plays fine for me in the States!
mas8705says...I don't see any problems here... it is working...
Sarzysays...There are many things I like about living in Canada. This is not one of them.
kronosposeidonsays...Jonny brings up a valid point, but I don't think we should hold gorgonheap's video hostage until we find a solution that won't arrive any time soon.
siftbotsays...Returning this video from Sift Talk - return requested by kronosposeidon.
Ekleksays...If this is the same, please embed this one.
gorgonheapsays...Well there is just a little bit cut off from the beginning for the myspace embed but there's a chance the myspace embed doesn't have a regional block on it. If anyone outside the US still can't see this video let me know. I changed the embed to the one Eklek recommended.
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