Best Impression Video on the Net - Parody

Payman Benz from Awkward Pictures redeems all the time you've wasted watching idiots do impressions of celebrities on YouTube.

I thought it was hilarious.


Scarface - "OKAY, OKAY, OKAY! [Enter angry roommate] "Hey! Knock it off!" [Scarface photo reappears] "okay."

Ashley Simpson [Audio offsync]

Old Yeller, Cujo, Dmx.

Fran Drescher, Gilbert Gottfried, Louie Anderson, Chris Tucker.


The reason I found this funny was that most comedic impressions are actually an exaggeration of the person they are impersonating. In many of these he is doing an even further exaggerated version of some of the most common exaggerated impression that just about any hack comedian does.


Its rare I watch impressions but I took a chance ,and to my surprise, very funny. Might want to ad (parody) to the title. It might find more views. Just a thought.

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