Believe It or Not, This is an XBox Ad


nothing like exploiting rural Indians for the sake of a lame game console ad that I then have to encounter on the internet... why not put all that marketing money into making good games.. oh yeah, it's micro$oft.


I've had a 360 since launch day. Best console I have ever owned. Will it remain better then the Wii or the PS3? that is yet to be known, but as of now, I still can game for hours on it. nothing is better then playing on live with all your co workers a co-op game of G.R.A.W. Shouting tactics to your team mates. Or playing Elimination Perfect Dark in a server with 32 players and having no lag what so ever. Jumping into a jet pack and driving it right into the enemy base then laying down suppressive fire and taking out the entire opposing team. Or getting into an ice cream truck in dead rising and driving it around the mall literally killing over 100 zombies a second.

no other console does that. No other console as of yet CAN! So you can be a fan boy all you want, but as of right now the reality is no other console compares to it.


That's astoundingly bad. No one but no one is going to understand that. They might as well have filmed me mucking about in the potting shed and then slapping the Xbox logo on the end.


ren i think you will find manny simularities with modern consoles and pcs however the defining difrence is that a console is spesificly designd with games and gameing in minde. where as a pc is designd with mutch wider range of aplications in minde.

esentualy all consoles are multimidea pc,s. so if you think it should be called a pc from its hardware then i dont think that would realy help. aditionaly alot of consoles have used pc operating systems ps2 uses linx dreamcast was windows ce. so although in essence most consoles these days are pc,s with a joystick and always have been its just the fact thay are made for playing games thats why we call them games consoles and not entertainment pcs.

i know u probably went been negative ore annything but i hear this comment alot and i think its usfull to say why we call games consoles game consoles.

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