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Batshit Crazy Interpretation of Michael Jackson's 'Beat It'

Whatever you do, don't let this guy hear Devo.

Wow... I've seen the whole of it!!! And I even wrote from time to time comments, like - "hmm... I am never gonna walk like I'm in a Michael Jackson clip Ever Again!"...
or, "I am never gonna do face gestures while having a toothpick in my mouth again!"
or best quote: "Two homosexuals emerge out of a manhole..." Classic!

I like to consider myself a devoute sifter, and this video is by far one of the Craziest piece of crap I've seen in a long time!
This is not some stupid redneck blurring some racial slurr in the heat of the moment without thinking... this is a well designed piece of Ass wipe, propagated for the benefit of... well... I have no idea!

Well, I'm gonna beat it now... if you know what i mean


I just burped and farted at the same time. Am I dying?

This video was...odd. It actually had me going for a while. I was with him when he was mentioning that our media has blinded us to the bigger reality. But then he went all Marshall Applewhite on me.

"Nothing is trivial and everything is significant."

First of all, that's redundant. Secondly, it's just wrong. Everything is trivial in the long term. Nothing is significant when you think that we've only been around for 100K years.

But anyway...silly video.


its not just the broken logic that amazes me. Its the sheer amount of effort involved into basically creating a feature length video. It's worth watching the whole thing if you can. I had it open in a window while i did other stuff and i have to admit the crazy doesnt hit maximum until the last part. Not sure if this guy is crazier then

I Think it might be a tie in the craziest ever competition


I'm going to play a song for you, and then later we shall analyse the lyrics:
"Kyle's mom's a bitch, she's a big fat bitch,
She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world..."

Taken at face value, a bitch is a "malicious, spiteful, or overbearing woman".

Somehow these lyrics don't seem to make sense and this makes a clear conclusion difficult.

Perhaps our approach was too literal.
Perhaps we erred in accepting the lyrics at face value.
Perhaps I should stop doing crystal meth.


I will now reveal to you what "bitch" really means.
It does not mean a malicious, spiteful, or overbearing woman as Cartman would mislead us to believe.
Bitch is the term for a female dog and is common vernacular among dog breeders.


Summation 2,375:
A dog, or canis lupus familiaris, was a form of Satan in the Omen series of documentaries. Cartman's actual purpose is to persuade heterosexual men to join the roving homosexual gangs (see Summation 1,372) and have sexual intercourse with dogs to produce the antichrist.

"Screw you guys. I'm going home." has a whole new meaning now.


Doesn't this video tell me that every thing is important, and then go onto to take a few words out of a whole verse?

I also got real bored about half way through the second video, I was kinda hopping that he would get to the "we need tin foil hats to keep out the K waves LOL" a little sooner, and I got tired of waiting.


I could only watch a couple parts, but that was more than enough for me. The sad thing is that there are likely some who would take this claptrap seriously. I can't imagine how superior this must make these folks feel, as compared to all of us inferior *blind* fools.
I think beliefs such as these would hasten one to the insane asylum. But, perhaps they belong there.


I think the real crazy part about this video, is that people watch this shit, and agree with it. I wanted to see if people would dine on this shitturd, so I went to the video on youtube and tried to look at the comments section. Wow, comments disabled! Go figure? So I did the next best thing, I went to his youtube channel. These are some of the comments I found there.

What follows may shock some...

minisight2000 writes...
"i love your videos now with every song i hear i can see so much truth its amazi9ng how many people are with this evil group!"

"You are so intelligent. Im a 23 year old black woman who has been seeking for some truth to this world and I think I have found it. All my life I was said to be weird now I can say Im a true believer. Good work."

batterypack0973 writes in multiple postings about this video...

"The jackson videos, thank the father of us all for those, and thank you, I took it very personal at first the masturbation part didnt make sense to me, but it makes perfect sense at a deeper personal level, because it explains what im going through right at this very moment in life. Thank you for real brother!

1. Beat it, means both run away and masturbate to me, for personal reasons like I stated, because what he didnt mention was the girl or girls that are involve in the matter. 2.Ejaculate means Emasculate to me, because all the game is is the two parties fucking with each other (Homosexual Masturbation)to see who is going to Emasculate themselves first.

Micheal as the narrarator is laying on his bed agitated, contemplating about that "life" that he is telling to the listener that the message is for, the spiderman, wannabe macho man types. But his role as the narrarator is actually him on the bed, contemplating on his own experiences in that same situation as he warns the listener on what to watch out for."

allteal writes...

"Hey man i am currently watch your playlists. I must say that the "What lies in Plain Sight" series was 5***** excellence. You opened my eyes to somethings i never thought about before, But some of what you said i already knew.
Please keep up the excellent work, and much love to you and your cause.
I applaud your message of freedom from mind manipulation and just for freedom

LightWorker2008 writes... (in a post that indicates that the shit is spreading...)

"I've just found your videos through a forum and i think they are great! I just wish more people would see the world for what it is and you show it so well in your videos."


Should I be digging a bomb shelter?


The irony is, Lenon Honor is openly homosexual.

Holyfuckingshitbatman! That blew my mind. As others have mentioned, the sheer amount of work involved in producing this must have been enormous!

Whenever talking to religious folks from this day forth, I will claim my favourite bible passage is Lenon 13:7:

"We could not see
Our parents could not see
Our grandparents could not see
We all sung just beat it with great accuracy and dedication
We danced the dances
We repeated the phrase “beat it” countless times, and did so with joy!
And yet we could not see it for what it was"

I also thought it was interesting how;
The heads of all;
• Political Parties
• Religious organizations
• The global military industrial complex
• All major business Corporations
• Media conglomerates
• Major educational institutions
• All major entertainers (including actors, actresses, and musicians)
Are practicing Satanists.

• Many sports icons are heavily involved in homosexuality and Satanism
• In the music industry you will find that all major music executives are involved in homosexuality and Satanism
• Most rappers that are chosen for stardom are in actuality homosexuals

Oh Youtube (and videosift) boring would life be without you!


Summation 1: The narrator is obsessed with the homosexual lifestyle
Summation 2: The narrator is homophobic
Summation 3: All internet video producers/flautists are practicing satanists
Summation 4: The narrator makes a direct corrolation between a knife and his penis
Conclusion: The narrator drowns teenage boys in his bathtub after sodomizing them


IMO, you guys are in serious denial. Instead of resorting to name-calling and belittling, why not make a point by point rebuttal?

Is “beat it” not slang for “masturbate”?

Is Michael Jackson not making a suggestive “jerk off” motion with his hand in several parts of the video?

Regarding the use of the Washington Monument in the video, that monument is an obelisk, which, in the ancient Egyptian religion, represented the phallus of Osiris, or the “lost word”. This ancient religion—which is simply Luciferianism, or the worship of the intellect—is practiced by occultists, such as Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and “Bonesmen”. Do you guys really think that Mike is flashing the horns hand signal for nothing?


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