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24 Comments's probably being shot into the sand but hey...
deputydogsays...Can't have too much slo-mo
picklekingsays...sehr gut! vote for slo-mo
Sammysays...It had to have been shot in, otherwise it would have just sat on the sand.
wingnutsays...It doesn't work anymore?
LadyBugsays...myspace appears to be having some technical difficulties this morning! it's all their videos ... bugger!
wingnutsays...I can see it now.
pallensays...This is the 9th most popular video here? You people are too easily amused. :-P
dagsays...Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)
For the week, palen, for the week. I think it's the bong hits.
deathcowsays...shut your bong hole, hippy.... lol.. what movie was that from
dagsays...Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)
Harold and Kumar?
rensays...perhaps a futurama episode Zaph - "why did you open your bonghole, you smelly hippy"
choggiesays......I'm easiliy amused with or without bonghits. scuze' me.......
MarineGunrocksays...I think it's *dead. But here's the fix:
Slo-mo Ball bearing drops in sand
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siftbotsays...This published video has been declared non-functional; embed code must be fixed within 2 days or it will be sent to the dead pool - declared dead by MarineGunrock.
siftbotsays...Awarding silvercord with one star point for fixing this video's dead embed code.
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Timeshift) - requested by Zifnab.
Ornthoronsays...*dead, replacement here:
siftbotsays...This published video has been declared non-functional; embed code must be fixed within 2 days or it will be sent to the dead pool - declared dead by Ornthoron.
siftbotsays...Awarding EndAll with one Power Point for fixing this video's dead embed code.
siftbotsays...The duration of this video has been updated from unknown to 28 secs - length declared by critical_d.
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