Back to the Future (BTTF) Ride Preshow Videos


True story- My favourite part of this ride wasn't the ride itself, it was actually in the corridor on the way to the ride. As well as these videos, they had a bunch of mad-science lab decorations scattered about. One of the decorations was a computer monitor that was showing an animated Mandelbrot zoom. This would have probably been in around 1991 or 1992.

I was already familiar with the concept of zooming in on the Mandelbrot set, but remember back in those days it would take minutes or even sometimes hours to render each frame. It had never occurred to me to make an animation of a zoom. It totally and utterly mesmerized the twelve year old me. It was the worst thing being in a line and not getting to just stand and watch it- the line moved and I couldn't block people, so I only really caught a glimpse of it. It was really just a few seconds ping-pong loop, but wow. What an effect.

When I first saw the program Xaos running on a (then) modern computer, probably an early pentium or something, I knew for sure that it was the future. Realtime animated fractal zooms, WTF!

I wonder if there are any photos or videos of the decor of the corridor from that ride?


>> ^djsunkid:

True story- My favourite part of this ride wasn't the ride itself, it was actually in the corridor on the way to the ride. As well as these videos, they had a bunch of mad-science lab decorations scattered about. One of the decorations was a computer monitor that was showing an animated Mandelbrot zoom. This would have probably been in around 1991 or 1992.
I was already familiar with the concept of zooming in on the Mandelbrot set, but remember back in those days it would take minutes or even sometimes hours to render each frame. It had never occurred to me to make an animation of a zoom. It totally and utterly mesmerized the twelve year old me. It was the worst thing being in a line and not getting to just stand and watch it- the line moved and I couldn't block people, so I only really caught a glimpse of it. It was really just a few seconds ping-pong loop, but wow. What an effect.
When I first saw the program Xaos running on a (then) modern computer, probably an early pentium or something, I knew for sure that it was the future. Realtime animated fractal zooms, WTF!
I wonder if there are any photos or videos of the decor of the corridor from that ride?

Hhaa, Blue Man Group uses that too IIRC. I love the 3D ones now! I want a screen saver of it!

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