I would like to introduce you to a young teenager named Sam. When he was offered a position to work at Starbucks Sam told his parents that for the first time in his life. That his life had real meaning. Sam was diagnosed with autism and like some people with autism Sam has a movement disorder. Sam has a hard time keeping his body still. Sam never thought that he would be able to work behind the bar because of his sudden movements but his manager Chris believed in him and got Sam to channel his movements into dance. It has taken Sam and Chris a lot of shifts and hours to get Sam to do what he is doing in the video. Sam is now known as the dancing barista. If it wasn't for Chris believing in Sam he would of never believed in himself. More people like Sam need to be seen, heard and given a chance to thrive and dance. -yt
siftbotPromoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Sunday, January 24th, 2016 5:18am PST - promote requested by Lann.
bareboards2Reading the caption is what makes this vid. Outstanding.
JustSayingWait a minute. On that cup, that name. Does it say 'Ellen'?
What's wrong with her? And why for Pete's sake does she need to make everyone dance!? Fucking Tanzwut inducing woman.
eric3579Was that hand wave some 'single ladies' dance thing? You go with yo bad self.
Bruti79says...Just found out this is in Toronto, needs a *Canada tag. =)
siftbotInvocations (canada) cannot be called by Bruti79 because Bruti79 is not privileged - sorry.
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