Attenshhhhun citizens of California!!

Severe Earthquake Warning For California in September 2010

"Severe Earthquake Warning has been issued for California in September 2010 it will be so powerful it will be 9.0 or greater magnitude and it will affect Arizona, Nevada, Montana, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Vancouver British Columbia and The Earthquake will be So Powerful it will Destroy Everything including Houses and It will Knock over the Telephone Poles and Transformers as well People in California BE PREPARED have your Flashlights and Canned Foods and Medical Kits too and go to the Emergency Shelters as well." - YT

Okaaaaaaaaay then. You heard the man. Get prepared people.

Relax. You'll notice that he says "may" before everything that gets destroyed ("it may destroy lots of houses", "it may destroy telephone poles" etc). So there's a good chance, that this may be the first 9.0 earthquake which destroys absolutely nothing.>> ^rottenseed:

You know...if this guy is right, I really do want to be dead.


My Theory: this kid is making a "video bed" meant to be played in the background (as television news coverage I suppose) of some greater creative effort.

My Evidence: my gut.

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