Assassin’s Creed Odyssey: Alexa Meets Alexios | Ubisoft

"You need a Spartan in your life. Meet Alexios, the world’s first Spartan Smart Assistant. Designed for use in the real world as well as the in-game world of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Alexios will guide you, and 'encourage' you, until you have the stoic, steeled demeanor of a Spartan warrior.

Just open the skill by saying 'Alexa, open The Spartan,' and then ask any questions that you might ask your usual Alexa-enabled device.

Here are a few examples of the skill’s finest Spartan responses to common questions:

'Tell me about the Temple of Zeus.'
'What’s on my shopping list?'
'Tell me about the Battle of the Giants vs Gods.'
'Tell me a joke'

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Phones, tablets, lappies, etc. have microphones.


I find the idea of an online microphone in my house weird, but I have to admit that Amazon is killing it with these ads


Assuming they are not malfunctionng, hacked, etc. That's why I cover up cams, unplug, power off, etc.


Yes, but at least in theory, they are only listening when activated.


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