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BicycleRepairMansays...YES. Great first post. *art *vintage
siftbotsays...Video added to art and vintage channels (both channels called by gold star member BicycleRepairMan)
siftbotsays...Tags changed from "clip, art" to "clip, art,arcade fire,war,russian,stairs" by gold star member BicycleRepairMan.
choggiesays...upvote for, Eisenstein.....Vlad was sure a prick, wasn't he?
Kim Jung Il...Dangerous, sociopath, Prick.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ? Cocksucker, Idiot, dangerous, killer.
King Abdullah? Asshole, enabler.
Bashar al-Assad? Coward,cocksucker, killer.
Hugo Chavez? Coward, president-wannabe, asshole, killer.
King Fahd?-Evil cocksucker, Satan would be proud-
Than Shwe of Burma-evil midget dick.
Saparmurad Niyazov of Turkmenistan? Narcissist, asshole, killer.
Muammar Gaddafi?-dangerous little camel-lover.
(really has a nice pool for his cammies, though)
Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus?-Stalin-lover, carbuncle, human waste.
G.W.Bush-Dangerous, connected, from a family of privileged, pricks and assholes.
Please pray for their immediate deaths.
choggiesays...oh and GMA's Diane Sawyer??? This bitch needs her ass slapped, trying to make Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
into a kind-old uncle.....bitch, please, join one of his harems, and get yer ass of the TV-yer a media slut.
Hey robin32....thanks for inspiring a tirade, I love to remind all the folks regularly, who and what they allow to breathe the common air.
If humans had a clue, they would collectively call for these people's immediate assassinations. That's one thing me and Pat Robinson can agree upon.
BicycleRepairMansays...Dont worry , robin32, Choggie has over 7000 posts like this, he's VideoSifts very own ....uh.. who knows?..
swampgirlsays.....haven't looked but hope I have a *save
siftbotsays...Saving this video from the discard pile and sending it back to the queue for one more try; last queued Thursday, August 23rd, 2007 11:02am PDT - save requested by swampgirl.
antsays...Nice song.
spyderelevensays...Love the video, and love the band.
siftbotsays...Tags for this video have been changed from 'clip, art, arcade fire, war, russian, stairs' to 'clip, art, arcade fire, war, russian, battleship potemkin, stairs' - edited by calvados
calvadossays...*canada *cinema
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Canada, Cinema) - requested by calvados.
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