An unstoppable virus, infected, Spain and a cat, ApocalypseZ, the adaptation based on the successful novel by Manel Loureiro, arrives October 31st on Prime Video.

Fox is stupid. They had last night and last week's Sunday opened! Why not delay one of those and fill in the new Halloween episode? Ugh!!!!


At least they aren’t following the Simpsons and airing it the week after!


It’s worse…they did have the new Halloween episode scheduled for I think 4:30 yesterday, but over half was preempted by a football after show so I didn’t watch it.


Fox is stupid. They had last night and last week's Sunday opened! Why not delay one of those and fill in the new Halloween episode? Ugh!!!!


Interesting. Where was that? I am in west coast.


It’s worse…they did have the new Halloween episode scheduled for I think 4:30 yesterday, but over half was preempted by a football after show so I didn’t watch it.


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