Anonymous - Don't Mess With Us (Megaupload Takedown Reponse)

YT Description:
A New Era Has Come, Anonymous is no longer playing nice, and we do not intend to ever play nice.

We have seen you Corrupt our People, Corrupt our country and we will not sit and watch while you allow bills such as SOPA and PIPA to be passed.

On January 19, 2012 a popular sharing website named Megaupload was taken down. We were not hesitant and reacted quickly. Remaining to our word, we took down their main sources (??), MIAA and FBI are down.

Our Power is too strong and soon they will have to listen to the people. This is a time of action. We as a nation must come together and fight the tyrants!

Do not sit and watch Do not sit and cheer! Use your powers.

Artists be creative, Singers be lyrical, writers spread our word! We will not be silenced!

We are Anonymous! We are legion! We do not Forgive! We do not forget! Expect Us!

Ooooo, we took down websites! We are more powerfull than... umm... those guys in Beat Street that tagged NY subway trains...

Until websites become the black, oozing, horrific monsters in Neuromancer, it's just graffiti.


>> ^Payback:

Until websites become the black, oozing, horrific monsters in Neuromancer, it's just graffiti.

I read that book (Gibson, William: Neuromancer) and its vision impressed me very much. It's an "old" yet fantastic imagination of cyberspace. Recommended!


>> ^Payback:

Ooooo, we took down websites! We are more powerfull than... umm... those guys in Beat Street that tagged NY subway trains...

Until websites become the black, oozing, horrific monsters in Neuromancer, it's just graffiti.

I was just thinking that to myself earlier, but when they mentioned artists, musicians and writers it struck a kind of chord. It's interesting that they appeal to those targets. Because i guess if you were gonna try and force a real revolution of modern youth, then you'd really need bands growing up making songs about your cause, blogs, tweets, facebook, flickr.. All of those things, most of modern youth culture is intertwined with the internet and communications, so i have to say... maybe they're not so stupid afterall, maybe the internet is a pretty good place to start a "revolution".


>> ^Payback:

Ooooo, we took down websites! We are more powerfull than... umm... those guys in Beat Street that tagged NY subway trains...

Until websites become the black, oozing, horrific monsters in Neuromancer, it's just graffiti.

How about if they crash all online trading?...or bank transfers? They should start out slow so there's things to do to progress. They could seriously harm our economic system if they wanted to but they recognize of course that this would also be harming a LOT of innocents trying to do business.

Lets see where they's a progression.

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