Amy Goodman detained & questioned about 2010 Olympics

Amy Goodman detained & questioned about 2010 Olympics.

Well, I suppose it is nice to have the focus on stupid border guards be from some country other than the US, but this is so tame compared to stuff our border guards to do people coming in from Canada all the time.


I hope it comes to light who put forward such an order to curb criticism from foreign journalists if it exists. And if it doesn't I hope the boarder guards are disciplined. The current Canadian federal government hasn't been tolerant of any kind of constructive criticism so it wouldn't surprise me if an order went down to border guards.


Canada...if you fall to the right-wing bullshit, we are all going to hurt in a major way.

Amy Goodman is one of the faces we should see on network TV; she is one of the voices who has proven true, time after time.

I drove home from a Thanksgiving Feast in Las Cruces and was stopped at the checkpoint.

Read Police State.

Fat fucking idiot with a 9mm asking me where I lived, where I came from, where I was going.

Canada, don't go the way of your idiot paranoid neighbors.

Amy Goodman is probably the truest voice on cable/dish TV.

Don't go the way of the knuckle-draggers.


>> ^Kreegath:
Maybe the Canadians are taking after the example set by the US-Mexican border patrols?

Wow, that took a lot of insight.

I can see you now, pouring over legal treatise, oblivious to the poor and the weak.


>> ^Kreegath:
Maybe the Canadians are taking after the example set by the US-Mexican border patrols?

Sometimes you really piss me off.

I don't think that you really undersand

What the fuck is going on.

"Tommy Douglas" was a champion of the common man.

Hear that!


Tags for this video have been changed from 'Amy Goodman, border, Olympics' to 'Amy Goodman, border, Olympics, vancouver, 2010, ian hanomansing' - edited by therealblankman


It's sad that this world punishes people who are good examples for society. If the religious right were "right" they'd probably watch Democracy Now! because it is truthful and insightful. Which leads me to believe that religious people are self-centered and self-righteous exactly what their doctrines speak against. Instead of doing anything good they sit around speaking of how awful the "secular" world is ; hoping their hate spewing leads them to a fantasy land after their lives are over.

Democracy Now! is one of the few shows that cover so many broad international topics, there is debate and facts are presented - the interviews are not rushed ; it is true journalism biased of course but not through shock, hate or fast talking. They are fighting a good fight: against injustice, everywhere.


funny, in a sad way.

border guard- 'What about the Olympics?'

amy g.- 'Huh?'

border guard-'.. you didn't know that Canada is hosting the Olympics next year?... aren't you interested in digging up the dirt about that?'

amy g.- 'Oh,... um yeah, sure... wait, are you saying there's a lot of dirt surrounding the event...?'

border guard- '-alright lady, you're out of the country!'


>> ^Simple_Man:
As a Canadian and a Vancouverite, I am embarrassed that this happened. What has happened to my Canada?

Amen brother, as a fellow vancouverite I have never felt more shame for my city and my country. I hope we don't win a single medal on our own soil (again), due to all the horrible karma stirred up from this situation, taking billions of our tax dollars, not letting other countries practice on the turf THEY WILL BE COMPETING ON, and now this blasphemy, it makes me so disappointed and mad. Fuck you Vanoc, fuck you both provincial and federal government, and fuck you olympics in general.

There called olympic GAMES, not olympic I'm better then yous.


>> ^aceofkidneys:
>> ^Simple_Man:
As a Canadian and a Vancouverite, I am embarrassed that this happened. What has happened to my Canada?

Amen brother, as a fellow vancouverite I have never felt more shame for my city and my country. I hope we don't win a single medal on our own soil (again), due to all the horrible karma stirred up from this situation, taking billions of our tax dollars, not letting other countries practice on the turf THEY WILL BE COMPETING ON, and now this blasphemy, it makes me so disappointed and mad. Fuck you Vanoc, fuck you both provincial and federal government, and fuck you olympics in general.
There called olympic GAMES, not olympic I'm better then yous.

This comment makes me ashamed to be a Canadian.

It's the Olympics. A couple weeks will have passed and the only thing that'll happen is a few countries will gain a small amount of national prestiege and in 4 years, it'll be forgotten in everything but the Olympic History book.

You're still a Canadian, As am I. Born and raised in Ontario, and i'll probably die here, too.
Americans may be known for fierce patriotism, but god knows Canadians are right behind them. I'm proud of my Country, viewed by the world as peace keepers and neutrality.

Sure, we're pulling a dick move with these games, and I agree that it should be rectified, but I would NEVER betray my own country by wishing it does badly. Now, as far as I understand, it's mostly Americans that are shocked over the lack of us allowing them to come train with us. Truthfully, lets think of this for a minute. In terms of "Dick Moves" I think the Americans have quite a bit more racked up then we do, however I understand "An eye for an eye." and still agree, that its not right.

However, This article basically explains it all, better then I can ever say here.
There's an advantage. There always has been, and there always will be, however, maybe it's our turn to actually use it for once.


By the way, why does the Canada Border Services Agency get to decline comment? We fucking own them, so why aren't they accountable to us? We deserve to know why this happened. And no, saying they can't discuss the ordeal as a matter of national security won't work up here.

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