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Enzobluesays...Soon it'll be, "Hey, remember people used to get out of their cars and make youtube videos when clouds like this rolled in?", cause they'll be everywhere and other weather events that'll make this look petty.
Paybacksays...I, for one, would like to welcome our new Arcus Cloud Overlords.
zeoverlordsays...I bet this clip would go really great with "ride of the Valkyries"
siftbotsays...2 more comments have been lost in the ether at this killed duplicate.
Longswdsays...A few winged devils swooping out the clouds and snatching people up would make this considerably more interesting.
Edgeman2112says...Headline should read:
"Giant Yeti Paw Hovers Over Small Town"
deathcowsays...Do you feel a temp or wind change when something like this passes over?
siftbotsays...Tags for this video have been changed from 'storm, cloud, incoming, approaching, ominous' to 'storm, cloud, incoming, approaching, ominous, wall cloud' - edited by Fusionaut
Auger8jokingly says...It's Independence Day all over again!
siftbotsays...Automatically replaced video embed code with backup #5617 (supplied by member Barseps) - video declared dead by member silvercord.
siftbotsays...This video has been declared non-functional; embed code must be fixed within 2 days or it will be sent to the dead pool - declared dead by silvercord.
siftbotsays...9 more comments have been lost in the ether at this killed duplicate.
siftbotsays...Replaced video embed code with backup #6813 (supplied by member Sweetmind) - embed replaced by member eric3579.
siftbotsays...This dead video has been deemed functional; it must have been accidentally declared dead - declared notdead by eric3579.
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