In keeping with my sifting of horribly niche and unpopular videos I present "The General"! Also known as the "Series 6000", this collection of audio samples has stealthily colored the entire audio-scape of western media for more than 3 decades.
If you have been within hearing distance of any western media since the 1980's, I can practically guarantee you've heard audio from this collection. Most early 1990's computer games, particularly the Doom series of games, heavily used the Series 6000 as their primary resource for audio effects, but you can hear samples from this collection on TV shows, commercials, film, and any animation that has been put out since.
The collection has over 20,000 individual clips, or around 40-50 hours worth of audio samples, which makes up for a poop-ton of Wilhelms.
newtboyI think I had a lot of these on 3 1/2' floppy disks for my Prophet 2000, from way before CDs. It's mothballed in my garage, I never learned to play the synth. :-(
Where's the James Brown effects?
TheFreakThere it is....1:37. Burned into my brain so that I always recognize it when it's used.
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