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Alanis Morissette - Everything

UPDATE: i'll be killing this copy, and find a whole new embed, and resubmit, soon.

i was unaware that WB regionblocks, when i sifted this.

^ nope.

YouTube may be giving you the spin cycle, for now, but i assure you it's not dead.

nor will it ever be. this is the official copy, from Warner Bros Records, because they're smart enough to allow embedding.


Alanis Morissette is *Canadaian for chrissake. This video ought to play in her home country.

Ugh. Have to stick to my guns... downvote for not playing outside USA.


GAWD I love this song!

It always makes me think of my kids... when they were babies.... each one of them came up to me to tell me they loved me, thought I was beautiful and wanted to marry me someday.


^ rgr that. didn't realize 'til bert mentioned it, above.
i'll be updating the embed, soon, to intl'ize it.

or, maybe just scrapping this copy, and re-submitting. prob better.
i get the feeling that this wouldn't have any problem siftin', had i simply known beforehand (that they regionblocked) and embedded a copy that didn't.

my main reasons for picking this embed were:
a) official copy (ergo, not going anywhere, & the artists deserve the .02 royalty, so long as the label execs aren't dicks about it)
b) they let her sing the one expletive, at the start.

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