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Al Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize


here's a reason (from Alfred Nobel's will):

"The said interest shall be divided into five equal parts, ... and one part to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."


Belief has nothing to do with it fedquip. He hasn't done anything to deserve the Peace Prize, unless one tries to make some absurdly extrapolated argument about what might happen when the seas rise and we start running out of petroleum and fresh water.

Look around the planet at the conflicts that are currently happening, and you will find people who are doing their utmost to reduce that violence.


fraternity between nations
(from AP)
Since his loss to George W. Bush in 2000, Gore put aside political aspirations and became a global warming evangelical. He traveled to more than 50 countries. He presented his slide show on global warming more than 1,000 times.
working to bring the nations together for a common cause, of which it seems that he has had much success.
So you seem to be saying that the organization that gives these out doesn't know its own rules ?
why not read what they have to say


of interest

Over the course of the last year, George W. Bush has offered his personal congratulations to the 2007 Presidential Scholars, the Super Bowl-winning Indianapolis Colts, the 2007 Scripps Spelling Bee champion, the owner of the World Series-winning St. Louis Cardinals, the NBA champion Miami Heat, the Stanley Cup-winning Carolina Hurricanes and the NCAA champions from 21 universities.

So, a reporter asked deputy White House press secretary Tony Fratto today, will the president be calling Al Gore to congratulate him for winning the Nobel Peace Prize? Fratto's response: "I don't know of any plans to make calls to any of the winners at this point."

-- Tim Grieve -


"[Yet...still people believe that there is science out there that shows global warming is not happening. I can not express how annoying I find that.}-someone, anyone, please, help me to describe the annoying feeling inside, when reading a statement like this-No-the science is there MH, half of it is being pimped to her worshipers, the other denied access to the cathedral.

Glad I could annoy you.

If in fact, his primary mission was to alert the world to the dynamics of earth change, why pick a politically charged issue that has everything to do with big oil and corporate megalopoly....add to that, the flavor-of-the-week Hollow-wood bandwagon, and you've got a media manipulation, that refuses to die-In steps the legacy of Alfred, who also gave the world dynamite, fitting bit of synchronicity-

The reality of global warming is this, kiddies-There ain't a damn thing we can do about it but 2 things-Tell the world the truth, and have them living like there's no tomorrow till the sea levels, seismic, and weather patterns, drive most folks further and further inland who can afford it, or let the elite, and those in the know, continue to spin fanciful stories, as they all race to ensure, that their little empires weather the storm.

The folks in the know??..They are preparing hidey-holes, at the masses expense-We aught to kill them all, on fucking principle!

Political-environmentalista, probably paved the way for NAFTA to grow like the boil that it has become....he deserves this diluted award as much as Arafat did...


I think it is a great choice. Everything is linked, bad environmet, resrouces, poverty, unrest and war. Instead of choosing someone or something that directly e.g. reduces the number of nuclear weapons in the world, they are looking at one of the things that causes wars in the world. Alfred Nobel didnt have the information about the enviroment that we have today, but if he lived today I think he would agree with this.


The Nobel Peace Prize is supposed to be awarded to persons or organizations that are in the process of "resolving a conflict" or "creating peace". What does climate change have to do with either of these ?

Its a frigging leap into the abyss to even make the argument that this could prevent future conflicts or create peace in the future. How about some actual conflict resolutions going on today, Im sure theres a few out there...

This ranks up there with Yasser Arafat winning the Peace Prize. What a joke that was. Biggest terrorist in history if you look at it one way, a armed millitant fighting for a just cause if you look at it the other. Peace Activist ? I dont fu***ng think so.


That, which is self-correcting can never really be wrong. Just inaccurate at the time... Like Gravity for example. Totally, absolutely, 100% wrong... I think I jsut contradicted myself there... I mean 100% inaccurate, but good enough for government work.


Yasser got the price together with Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin for the "oslo" process ( ). Still a controversial nomination. When they got "home", they were heros for some of their own, and traitors for some others. But why was it wrong to give the extra attention to that process? W(c)ould it help the process? In the end it didnt go anywhere as we now know.

Here's some ancient and deep scandinavian wisdom: if you are out freezing in the cold, peeing in your pants will only make you warmer for a little while, and afterwards you will be colder then you were before, hehe.
So of course it is right for the Nobel peace committee to also look at the causes of war.

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