ART-SCHOOL - hidarikiki no kiki PV (Japanese music video)

This music video is referencing the next-to-last scene in the 1983 Japanese film The Family Game. The movie is full of dark humor and spot-on social commentary of Japan at the time (and to some extents, today as well). On top of that, ART-SCHOOL is a highly successful Japanese rock band that I absolutely love; hidarikiki no kiki is the title track off their latest mini-album from September 2007.


Like I said, it's a reenactment of the next-to-last scene from the movie Kazoku Game (The Family Game). The guy that beats them all up is the tutor hired to get the younger son's grades up so he can get into the elite high school that his parents want him to go to. That sort of situation (the tutor, not the foodfight was and still is a common thing in Japan, with a huge amount of stress placed on children to not only succeed but to excel academically. It's a very neat movie, and I'd definitely recommend seeing it if you get the chance.


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