A bunch of hipsters in a coffeehouse panic when a skunk walks in and stinks the place up.


That was SO funny!!! I could not believe the shot where the guy slips and falls, but no one helps him. It happens right next to the guy filming, but he bolts. So much for higher ideals, eh?

Starbucks stinks. Literally.


I think the initial spotting of the skunk was a bit serendipitous(sp?) though, just happens to pan over and point directly at the originating pointer and screamer. I guess I'm 50% 50% on this being staged and will go with the Family Feud statistical model.... SURVEY SAYS..


This looks so staged! Why?

1. Trying to hard for the shaky cam effect.
2. Camera drops and focuses right on the person who notices the skunk.
3. Everyone instantly runs out.
4. Fake reactions from people. Eww. Eww. I smell. Eww.
5. Blatant cut/glitch to setup the scene when the skunk walks out.



Re-promoting this video to the front page as a VideoSift Classic. Originally published on Monday 3rd April 2006 (promotion called by gold star member Krupo)


Staged, staged, staged. That word looks weird if you type it too much. Weird. Weird. THAT word looks strange. Strange. Anyway, it's staged. I bet my mother on it.


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