A brief lesson on Michelangelo's David

Footage and information on Michelangelo's David, which is universally recognized as one of the greatest sculptures ever, and one of the most enduring and greatest pieces of art, period. Oh, and it's a nude. I don't even feel right flagging this nsfw since it's such a masterpiece of art, but I guess I will.

This makes me realise that I really am curious about the statue. The video hints that the statue revolutionised the art form, and that leaves me wondering, what do they mean by that? What did michaelangelo do that was SO different with this statue? What did he figure out?



This is Most Definitely SFW and any worker that tells you otherwise has such reduced mental capacities that they shouldn't be operating a computer anyway (or leaving the asylum for that matter). Michelangelo's David is an amazing and inspiring work of art that needs to be beheld in person to appreciate the grandeur and scale of its accomplishment. Upvote.


>> ^djsunkid:
This makes me realise that I really am curious about the statue. The video hints that the statue revolutionised the art form, and that leaves me wondering, what do they mean by that? What did michaelangelo do that was SO different with this statue? What did he figure out?

Before Michelangelo, David is usually depicted after his battle with Goliath, usually standing on the beast's severed head. Michelangelo depicts David not in victory, but at a moment prefiguring that victory: in the instant between conscious choice and conscious action, the moment when an individual makes a choice--and commits to act on that choice. Michelangelo sculpted David not as a triumphant victor, but as a thinking, resolute being -- the preconditions for victory.

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