800 Die in Ivory Coast Violence

At least 800 people have reportedly been killed in the Ivory Coast city of Duekoue, as violence continues. [/yt]

Economy of Ivory Coast:

The Ivorian economy is largely market based and depends heavily on the agricultural sector. Almost 70% of the Ivorian people are engaged in some form of agricultural activity. Côte d'Ivoire is among the world's largest producers and exporters of coffee, cocoa beans, and palm oil.

This is serious. A chocolate shock could shake our slowly recovering economy, and it makes me shudder to think of how this could impact Starbuck's. *shudder*

Now before someone mentions it: Yes, Ivory Coast produces oil. But they are #59 in oil production volume, producing about 60,000 barrels a day. (Libya produces over 25 times that volume.) Hell, even Italy, Trinidad and Tobago, and East Timor produce more oil than Ivory Coast. So oil is a negligible factor in the equation, thus making Ivory Coast itself a negligible factor.

Ivory Coast has over 20 million people. (Libya, by comparison, has roughly 6.5 million people.) Its civil war has been going off and on for almost 9 years. Thousands and thousands of people have died; millions have become refugees. It was hoped that the 2010 presidential election would bring peace to their country, but obviously it has not. This isn't a new problem; it's been going on for years. Yet silence. Yet no intervention.

But on the first day of NATO operations in Libya, the US fired 118 Tomahawk missiles. (Britain, for its part, fired 6.) You want intervention? You got it, motherfucker.

Fuck this.


I had to do a paper on them. Gold is a huge export as well as diamonds (although I don't see gold mentioned that much anymore; maybe it died out as the report is ten years old). It's chief exports are cocoa, iron, petroleum, copper, and cobalt (plus fish as they are coastal).

The French have a direct involvement with their past and I believe they still have ties presently. We do have reasons to be there "resource wise" as others were asking; like I said the French are there already. The "strange" name of Ivory Coast compared to other African countries is a dead giveaway that it was a colony (like South Africa--an extremely simplistic choice for a country's name).

I know someone from Ghana (next to Ivory Coast) and the situation there is bad (I believe he left in the early 90's; it was during a lot of bloodshed--I know another from Bulgaria, actually he was in the army for them; he left literally because his life and his mother's life were in grave danger--they got into the U.S. via political asylum). Ghana I think is the main exporter of gold and is next door. It wouldn't surprise me if the U.N. or a country does something soon if the situation spreads. To me it seems highly likely that this could spread to Ghana and a bit in every direction around those two.

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