60 Minutes - Saddam pretended to have WMD

60 Minutes interviews George Piro, the F.B.I. agent assigned to interrogate Saddam Hussein.
Part II
Part III

By request, I've playlisted the other parts. DON'T MISS THEM!

maybe its just me, i dunno. Im not sure how much truth there is to this, but it seems far too convienient that the only middle man between a now dead man and the world is a guy neatly interviewed on national tv. If the transcripts of the meetings are declassified and proven (if possible) to be true, i'll be more receptive. Something fishy about something being this transparent amungst such a sensitive area.


Well, I can't tell a reason this agent would be lying, but the things he said are quite convenient for lots of people. I feel inclined to believe him because of lack of motive. PS: make this into a playlist.


>> ^Aemaeth:
Well, I can't tell a reason this agent would be lying, but the things he said are quite convenient for lots of people. I feel inclined to believe him because of lack of motive. PS: make this into a playlist.

Your wish is my command.


There are other interviews with this particular FBI agent. He apparently befriended Saddam in prison and gleaned great deals of information from him. It has not be publicized as much as it should have been. He revealed great incite into Saddam's intentions and goals in Iraq. WATCH PARTS II AND III.


That was surreal.

It's weird that the agent smiled so much during the interview. I never liked Saddam Hussein, but I found it extremely disturbing how he was used, emotionally manipulated, condemned by an illegitimate court and executed in an utterly undignified manner. No one deserves this kind of treatment -- not even our enemies.


" what happend to the weapons of mass destruction"
" was saddam behind 9/11"
" why did he pick a war with the u.s"

everyone knows there never were any nukes,the fanatics in the mountains of afganistan tried to make a revoulution in iraq and kick saddams ass in the ´70, so he hated them more than the u.s..... and how the hell did he pick war with the u.s????? ....this is so far out....long live the u.s.....the country that has double the number of political parties as communist china....that is a total of 2!!!!!!

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