A list of films found in the video:
0’00 - Session 9, The Devil’s Rejects, Candyman, Texas Chainsaw Massacre
0’32 - Misery, Psycho, American Psycho, The Hitcher (1986)
1’00 - Peeping Tom, When a Stranger Calls (1979), Black Christmas (1974), Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), A Nightmare on Elm Street
1’32 - The Fly (1986), An American Werewolf in London, Aliens, The Blair Witch Project
2’00 - The Thing, Friday the 13th, The Haunting (1963), Poltergeist
2’29 - The Ring, Scream, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, The Exorcist, Manhunter
3’01 - Dracula (1931), IT, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Child’s Play, A Nightmare on Elm Street
3’34 - House of 1000 Corpses, Halloween, The Omen
4’01 - Hellraiser, The Lost Boys, The Evil Dead, Pet Sematary
4’33 - The Omen, My Bloody Valentine, The Return of the Living Dead, Scream
5’04 - Friday the 13th, Island of Lost Souls, White Zombie
5’35 - Zombie Flesh Eaters, Dawn of the Dead (1978), Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956), The Birds
5’59 - Jaws, The Thing, Halloween, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Psycho
6’33 - Carrie, Evil Dead II, Black Christmas (1974)
7’01 - The Sixth Sense, The Shining, Candyman, Freaks
7’32 - Dracula (1931), Blue Velvet, Hellraiser, Videodrome
8’02 - Friday the 13th, The Mummy (1932), The Shining, IT
8’37 - Silence of the Lambs, The Black Cat, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
9’01 - Audition, Black Sunday, Hellbound: Hellraiser II, Saw II, The Serpent and the Rainbow
9’30 - Deliverance, The Mist, The Wicker Man (1973), The Wicker Man (1973)
10’00 - The Fly (1958), Evil Dead II, The Exorcist, Frankenstein (1931), Rosemary’s Baby
10’34 - Se7en, Carrie, Hellraiser, Silence of the Lambs, IT
11’06 - Black Sunday, Them! (1954), The Haunting (1963), Night of the Living Dead, Poltergeist, The Shining
11’28 - Phantasm, Suspiria
siftbotBoosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by ponceleon.
JiggaJonsonI will NEVER forget the time I watched "Misery" (@ :38) on accident. What I mean by that is I was channel surfing looking for something to watch and caught the beginning of the film but missed "Based on a novel by Steven King" in the opening credits.
[spoiler] there's a long, slow, crescendo of crazy that all stems from "I'm your number one fan!" talk and leads James Caan to try to escape from Kathy Bates in the middle of a snow storm.
After a failed attempt at that, and I think the scene right after what was shown above, Kathy Bates' character "hobbles" James Caan ala a sludge hammer.
During this climax, I literally sat up and said "HOLYFUCK!" And just before the wind up for his second ankle I "OHGODNO!"'d [/spoiler]
Ahhhh, good times accidentally watching Steven King movies.
Opus_Moderandisays...I've seen every single one of these films. That doesn't happen to me very often with movie compilations these days. (I was gonna bitch about using the same films over and over again but, between Evil Dead and Evil Dead II, there has to be at least 75 great lines).
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