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Prop 8 spokesman says defeating gays like defeating Hitler

Litter Robot for Cats

Mass. Hysteria

YES on Prop 8 Video

TheCall California

Late Show - The Palin factor (Bill O'Reilly)

winkler1 says...

Bill's hitting the talkshow circuit trying to drum up ratings, since MSNBC is beating him. BillO will go the way of subprime loans and cargo embarrassing reminder of a time we'd rather forget.

The McCain Campaign may not want you to see this

Andrew Sullivan talks about The Conservative Soul

Rep. Bachmann (R-MN-Idiot) talks about culture

McGuirk's Ode to the New York Times

McGuirk's Ode to the New York Times

AFSCME Union Is Hardcore!

RASTRA ~ eco-friendly building material for homes

Kitten climbs the stairs, takes a tumble, gets back up.

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