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Balloons on the pitch equals GOAL!!!

thesnipe says...

Yeah the goalie was definitely staring at the white balloon in the end and picks up the ball a split second before it goes in. That's nuts to have balloons out there.

Boondocks - Texting and the N Word

Cavaliers Drum & Bugle Corps - James Bond

Add Your Favorite Caption Here (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

Boondocks - Texting and the N Word

I guarantee you will watch this twice!

Death Cab For Cutie - Blacking Out the Friction - Live

One-man band on another level

One-man band on another level

Dissertation Writing Service For UK Students. (History Talk Post)

GOT GAMES? (Blog Entry by eric3579)

Bond is Back, so is Daniel Craig

STOMP - Suspension

The Origional Daily Show Intro

Beer Pong Perfection

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